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{{in progress}}
|abilities={{tag|AetherboundEtervínculo}}, {{tag+|worldhopping}}
|titles=GrandGran Aetherboundetervínculo ofde thelos twelvedoce kingdomsreinos, Rajrajá ofde thela CorianderCorte Courtdel Cilantro{{book ref|mb7|51}}
|aliases=TwinSoulAlmaDoble{{book ref|mb7|39}}, Shri Prasanva{{book ref|mb7|40}}, Pras{{book ref|mb7|42}}
|groups={{tag|GhostbloodsSangre Espectral}}
|books=[[MistbornNacidos de la bruma Era 2]]
'''Sanvith Prasanva Maahik va Sila''', moremás commonlyconocido known ascomo '''Shri Prasanva''' oro simplysimplemente '''Prasanva''', andy operatingoperando underbajo theel alias '''TwinSoulAlmaDoble''' ascomo amiembro memberde of thelos [[GhostbloodsSangre Espectral]],{{book ref|mb7|51}}{{book ref|mb7|40}}{{book ref|mb7|39}} ises anun [[aetherboundetervínculo]] ofde [[Silajana]].{{book ref|mb7|42}}
== AppearanceApariencia andy Personalitypersonalidad ==
He appears as an octogenarian{{book ref|mb7|44}} man, with liver-spotted deep tan skin, he wears a short white beard with long mustaches.{{book ref|mb7|39}}
He worships the aethers, giving his worship to Silajana in particular, seeing him (and all the aethers) as being equals to [[Adonalsium]], predating them.{{book ref|mb7|42}} He will openly preach his faith to others, even giving his enemies a chance to repent.{{book ref|mb7|51}}
== AttributesAtributos &y Abilitieshabilidades ==
As an [[aetherbound]], Prasanva can use roseite to create constructs. He has used it to make spectacles, a pen (which he needs separate ink for), a three-dimensional map, several simple items, and a twelve-foot tall suit of armor while being fueled by purified Dor.{{book ref|mb7|39}}{{book ref|mb7|51}} He cannot use it to make guns, as he doesn't understand their mechanics.{{book ref|mb7|42}} On planets without certain fields of Investiture, like [[Scadrial]], he can only make constructs that connect to him; if contact is broken, the construct crumbles to a fine powder, and then vanishes into mist.{{book ref|mb7|42}}{{book ref|mb7|44}} Forming the constructs also takes water from his body.{{book ref|mb7|42}}
== HistoryHistoria ==
He once lived on an unnamed planet, where he bonded to the Aether [[Silajana]]. He was apparently in a high position of authority, being the Raj of the Coriander Court and Grand aetherbound of the twelve kingdoms, though what exactly this entails is not yet known.{{book ref|mb7|51}}
After the disappearance of Moonlight and the defeat of the Set, he offered to induct Marasi into the Ghostbloods, and to act as her mentor. Marasi turned down his offer to join but still offered her help to find the missing Moonlight; it is unknown whether he accepted her help.{{book ref|mb7|epilogue|1}}
== RelationshipsRelaciones ==
=== Silajana ===
He worships Silajana, seeing him as a god that predates even [[Adonalsium]], and exists outside of its power.{{book ref|mb7|42}}
=== GhostbloodsSangre Espectral ===
Prasavana, at the very minimum, has a working-level relationship with all members of the [[Scadrial]] Ghostbloods members.{{book ref|mb7| 39}} Which include [[Kelsier]], [[Shai]] or '''Moonlight''', [[Kaise]] or '''Codenames''' and Dlavil.{{book ref|mb7|epilogue|1}} He treats both Kaise and Shai with kindness, and desires to track down Shai after her transformation, and return her to her normal personality.{{book ref|mb7|epilogue|1}}
== NotesNotas ==
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