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|groups={{tag|SetEl Grupo}}
|books=[[MistbornNacidos de la bruma Era 2]]
'''Dumad''' ises aun membermiembro of thedel [[SetEl Grupo|Grupo]] onen [[Scadrial]].{{book ref|mb7|49}}
== AttributesAtributos andy Abilitieshabilidades ==
Dumad ises aun [[HemalurgyHemalurgia|Hemalurgisthemalurgo]] withcon fivecinco spikesclavos, fiveque ofle themgarantizan grantinglos himpoderes thede powers of aun [[Coinshotlanzamonedas]], un [[duraluminduraluminio|Duraluminmosquito Gnatde duraluminio]], un [[Pewterarmbrazo de peltre]], una [[Leechersanguijuela]] andy un [[Seekerbuscador]].{{book ref|mb7|25}}
== HistoryHistoria ==
Dumad habitually used [[duralumin]]-enhanced Steelpushes, using the incredible strength added by burning duralumin to compensate for the relative newness of his powers, compared to [[Waxillium Ladrian|Wax's]] skill acquired from a lifetime of use. Instead of metal vials traditionally used by other Allomancers, which could be affected by Coinshots and [[Lurcher|Lurchers]], he replenished his metals after each usage of duralumin by drinking from an aluminum flask - which even Wax thought was a good idea.{{book ref|mb7|25}}
Upon discovering that the rocket was in fact a decoy, and that the real bomb was on a [[Pewternaut]] already sailing towards Elendel, Wax and Wayne harvested the spikes from Dumad and Getruda's corpses. Wax was able the powers gained from Dumad's duralumin-giving spike to Steelpush directly from the Shaw to the sailing Pewternaut.{{book ref|mb7|66}} {{book ref|mb7|69}}
== NotesNotas ==
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