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m (Ayanyx trasladó la página Smolderbrand a Marcadiente: Traducción al español)
'''Smolderbrand''' is an individual that lives in [[Shadesmar]], the [[subastral]] of the [[Cognitive Realm]] on [[Roshar]].{{map ref|Sea of Lost Lights}}
Smolderbrand is female,{{map ref|Sea of Lost Lights}} but nothing else is known about her. ItBecause isshe veryresides likelyin thatShadesmar, she ismay be a [[spren]], likebut mostvarious residents[[worldhopper]]s of(such Shadesmar,as but[[Riino]] and [[Sixteen]]) have also been observed living thisin isRoshar's notCognitive confirmedRealm.
It is presumed that she lives near her namesake [[Smolderbrand Channel]] in the [[Sea of Oracles]], a subsection of the southern [[Sea of Lost Lights]].{{map ref|Sea of Lost Lights}} The channel's location corresponds to a tributary of the [[Deathbend River]] in the [[Eastern Crownlands]] of [[Alethkar]] in the [[Physical Realm]].{{map ref|Alethkar}}
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