Diferencia entre revisiones de «Mrall»

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== Atributos y habilidades ==
Mrall hastiene aun keenagudo sensesentido ofde awarenesssu ofentorno hisy surroundingsexperiencia anden experienceel commandingcomando guardsde guardias.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} Though notAunque no es aun scholarerudito, memberslos ofmiembros thedel DiagramDiagrama taketoman hisen opinionsconsideración onsu theiropinión coursepara ofdecidir actionque intodirección considerationseguir.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
== Historia ==
OnceUna vez, onel thedia dayenq thatue Taravangian solvedresolvió el [[Fabrisan|Fabrisan'sacertijo Conundrumde Fabrisan]], Mrall hadtubo toque haveencerrarle Taravangianporque lockedcreía upque becauseera Taravangianrazonable believedescribir thatuna itley wasdemandando reasonablea totodos draftlos aciudadanos con lawuna requiringinteligencia allpor citizensdebajo belowde averagela intelligencemedia commitcometer suicidesuicidio forpara theel goodbien ofde Kharbranth.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
|Do you realize that the Eighty’s War between Emul and Tukar has lasted six years, and hasn’t produced nearly this level of desolation? Jah Keved ate itself in a matter of months!
|Mrall toa Taravangian atdespués theirde arrivalsu tollegada a Vedenar{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
Mrall acompañó a Taravangian a [[Vedenar]] donde Taravangian ganó control del trono. Cuando [[Szeth]] llegó para confrontar a Taravangian, Mrall hizo que sus guardias separaran a Taravangian de los soldados veden para que Taravangian no fuera asociado con el Asesino en Blanco. Mrall dió excusas, prolamando que el rey era mayor y había sucumbido a la pena. Luego Mrall llevó Taravangian a ver el [[alto príncipe]] Valam en su lecho de muerte.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
Cuando los [[alezi]] descubrieron [[Urithiru]], Mrall acompañó a Taravangian y otros miembros clave del Diagrama cuando tomaron residencia en la ciudad torre.{{book ref|sa3|107}} En un día de notable genialidad en Urithiru, Mrall tubo que revisar sus restricciones originales en Taravangian, después de que [[Adrotagia]] se diera cuenta de que había hecho trampa en el test. Más tarde, Mrall se perturbó al ver que Taravangian había hecho cambios al [[Diagrama (literatura)|Diagrama]].{{book ref|sa3|i|5}}
Mrall accompanied Taravangian to [[Vedenar]] after the [[Veden civil war]] where Taravangian gained control of the Veden throne. When [[Szeth]] arrived to confront Taravangian, Mrall had his guards separate Taravangian from the Veden soldiers so Taravangian would not be associated with the Assassin in White. Mrall made excuses, claiming the king was old and overcome with grief. Mrall then brought Taravangian to see [[Highprince]] Valam on his deathbed.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
When the [[Alethi]] discovered [[Urithiru]], Mrall accompanied Taravangian and other key members of the Diagram as they took up residence in the tower city.{{book ref|sa3|107}} On a day of notable brilliance in Urithiru, Mrall had to revise his original restrictions on Taravangian, after [[Adrotagia]] realized he had cheated the test. Mrall was later disturbed to see that Taravangian had made changes to the [[Diagram (literature)|Diagram]].{{book ref|sa3|i|5}}
|You're being thrown away! After all you've done, Odium casts you aside? At least go to Jah Keved.
|Mrall toa Taravangian beforeantes hisde departuresu partida{{book ref|sa4|i|3}}
