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|books=[[Elantris (booklibro)|Elantris]], [[MistbornNacidos de la bruma Era 2]], [[Tress ofTrenza thedel Emeraldmar Seaesmeralda]]
The '''Elantrians''' are a race of incredible grace and beauty that reside in the city of [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]]. People of any age, who are of [[Aonic]] descent, and who reside in or near the border of [[Arelon]] or [[Teod]], are occasionally taken by the [[Shaod]], which changes them into Elantrians. This consists of physical and mental alterations, and gives the capacity to use [[AonDor]].
== BecomingConvertirse anen Elantrianelantrino ==
A person can become an Elantrian by being taken by the [[Shaod]]. The Shaod, or the Transformation, generally happens at night.{{wob ref|8409}} The people it chooses are seemingly random (though not completely){{wob ref|13071}} and may be from any age or class in society.{{book ref|Elantris|prologue}} The Shaod only takes people from [[Arelon]] or [[Teod]], and occasionally [[Duladel]].{{book ref|Elantris|19}} It is suspected that this is due to [[AonDor]]'s close [[Connection]] with Arelon and its geography in general.{{wob ref|411}} A person needs to have some genetic ties to Arelon and be in Arelon to be taken by the Shaod.{{wob ref|2173}} Immediate proximity to Elantris or Elantrians do not increase one's chances of being taken by the Shaod.{{book ref|Elantris|2}} A non-human could become an Elantrian.{{wob ref|11629}}
There is an upper limit to the number of Elantrians there can be at a given time.{{wob ref|8617}} There are ways to reverse the Shaod.{{wob ref|9891}}{{wob ref|15260}}
== ChangesCambios ==
{{image|Elantrians by ML Malandrino.jpg|side=left|width=250px|Elantrians before the [[Reod]]}}
=== Physical Changes ===
An Elantrian away from Sel would still be an Elantrian but many of the visible signs would fade away.{{wob ref|3407}}
=== MentalCambios Changesmentales ===
Elantrians have increased insight and mental abilities.{{book ref|Elantris|prologue}}
== MagicalHabilidades Abilitiesmágicas ==
Elantrians have access to [[AonDor]], a symbol-based magic that can be used in seemingly limitless ways.{{book ref|Elantris|4}} By drawing [[Aon|specific symbols]], usually in the air, Elantrians are capable of instantaneous travel, healing, turning garbage to food, creating light, creating fire, creating a telescope made of air, creating disguises, etc.
With enough preparation, Elantrians can do things that are more impressive than Feruchemy.{{wob ref|3603}}
== DuringDurante theel Reod ==
{{image|Hopeless of Elantris.png|side=right|width=300px|Elantrians suffering during the Reod}}
Some potential advantages come from being a Reod Elantrian. Reod Elantrians do not need to breathe or eat,{{book ref|Elantris|13}} and they cannot be directly targeted by AonDor.{{book ref|Elantris|49}} A [[Shardblade]] will register them as half alive, half dead. They would be a flicker and depending on when they are hit the Shardblade might cut a body part off or it might leave it dead.{{wob ref|1363}} A Reod Elantrain can still be detected by [[Heightening#Fourth Heightening|life sense]] but they would appear as a stutter, with a flashing sensation.{{wob ref|1362}}
== TheLos Ire ==
The [[Ire]] are a group of Elantrian [[Worldhoppers]] who have established a fortress in the Cognitive Realm near [[Scadrial]]'s [[subastral]].
== NotesNotas ==
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[[category: ElantriansElantrinos| ]]


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