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|books=[[White Sand]]
A '''DaiKeen''' is a [[Kerztian]] economic and social grouping similar to the Professions in [[Lossand]]. Members of a [[DaiKeen]] indicate which one they belong to with symbols or markings at their foreheads.
;Warrior DaiKeen
: The warrior DaiKeen consists of soldiers. Warriors usually wear armor in battle and fight with swords and [[zinkall]]in. Warriors tattoo an 'X' on their foreheads.{{book ref|ws1ws|4|review=yes}}
;Priest DaiKeen
: The priest DaiKeen teach and administer the [[Ker'Reen Philosophy]] among Kerztians. They are lead by the A'Kar, or high priest.{{book ref|ws1ws|3|review=yes}} Priests wear a square-shaped scar on their foreheads.{{book ref|ws1ws|4|review=yes}}
;Merchant DaiKeen
: The merchant DaiKeen consists of merchants. The king of Kerzta has been chosen from the merchant DaiKeen in all four [[Choosing]]s over the past 200 years.{{book ref|ws1ws|3|review=yes}}
;Warrior priest DaiKeen
: Recent evidence suggests that a new "warrior priest" DaiKeen may be forming, apparently backed by the A'Kar.{{book ref|ws1ws|3|review=yes}} These seem to cut X-shaped scars on their foreheads--often on top of their prior markings.{{book ref|ws1ws|4|review=yes}} They have also been seen to shave their heads and wear no armor in battle.
== Notes ==
{{White Sand}}
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