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== Prerrequisitos ==
InPara orderque forun ausaurio de ChayShan userpueda toacceder access theal [[Dor]] atienen fewque thingsdarse haveuna toserie occurde cosas. ItSegún appearsparece, thatel ausuario ChayShande Chayshan tiene userque hasser tooriundo bede [[JinDo]].{{wob ref|8617}}
== Mecánicas ==
[[Shuden]] claimsafirmó thatque el ChayShan ises simplytan asolo wayun tomodo focusde aenfocar la mente y el cuerpo de warrior'sun mindguerrero andantes bodyde beforela battlebatalla,{{book ref|Elantris|17}} butpero heposteriormente laterlo usesutiliza itcuando whilelucha fightingcontra los monjes [[Dakhor|dakhor]] monks.{{book ref|Elantris|61}} ChayShanSe ispuede practicedpracticar viael ChayShan a meditativetravés martialde artsun styleestilo thatde appearsarte tomarcial focusmeditativo onque speedingparece upcentrarse motionsen andmovimientos gainingcada powervez frommás themrápidos y la obtención de poder a partir de ellos,{{wob ref|1967}} which then appearsque toaparentemente drawse uponextrae thedel Dor. AsYa allque thetodas las manifestaciones de [[InvestitureInvestidura]]s onen [[Sel]] arese basan en form-basedformas,{{book ref|aol|part=ars}} ites isbastante quiteposbile possibleque thatos thediferentes differentmovimientos formsy andformas movestrazados ofen theel ChayShan aredeterminan whatqué determinepoderes whatutilizará powersel apracticante. practitioner is using.
ACuando personuna usingpersona utiliza el ChayShan movesmovera theirsu bodycuerpo insiguiendo specificpatrones circularcirculares patternsespecíficos, slowly gaining in speed.{{book ref|Elantris|17}} The person continuously keeps their hands and legs moving. They move as though they are "struggling against some unseen force" with their muscles tensed. The leaps and arm motions of ChayShan seem similar to a dance. When the Dor is actually being accessed, a dim glow is visible in the wake of the motions of the limbs of the practitioner. If a person using ChayShan loses focus, they lose access to the Dor and must start over.{{book ref|Elantris|61}}
== Habilidades ==
