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;Plot Summary
[[Spensa]] gets in [[M-Bot]] and takes off the roof of the embassy, headed toward where the tryout will take place, half an hour of flying away. They receive a flight plan, and enter a stream of a couple dozen assorted ships headed to the same location. M-Bot tells Spensa he should send a message to [[Alanik]]'s people, giving them basic information the Superiority will overlook, encrypted with a message that she is not Alanik, that Alanik is injured and Spensa is performing her mission. M-Bot asks Spensa if he's truly alive, and Spensa points out he changed his own code, and then asks if he could change his own code to fly himself, after which M-Bot makes clicking sounds and restarts. This happens once more before they realize M-Bot can't even think about flying himself without his computer restarting him. M-Bot reaches the location of the tryout, a mining station surrounded by another atmosphere-simulating bubble. They land and Spensa disembarks, and approaches a crowd of aliens listening to [[Winzik]], standing on a raised dais, addressing them through a voice projection tool. Winzik informs them the [[Superiority]] must always be on high alert in looking for [[delver]]s, and someone in the crowd asks if it's true that a delver has entered the realm. Winzik confirms this, and quickly moves on to discussing the waivers they all need to sign. Spensa receives one, but doesn't know her travel identification number, so goes up to a [[varvax]] taking questions. A group of small fox like creatures are talking to the varvax, telling it how they are no longer a monarchy and should not have to prove their loyalty to the Superiority for the umpteenth time. Winzik approaches Spensa and tries to talk her out of trying out. [[Cuna]] approaches Spensa next, asking about Winzik's intentions. Cuna reveals that Alanik is the only pilot that accepted hertheir offer, and that one of their reasons for asking species like Alanik's to try out for the force is to see their human-given [[Starfighter#Light-Lance|light-lances]], which generally require more confidence to use in combat, in action. Cuna leaves, and Spensa gets back in M-Bot and takes off towards the edge of the asteroid field.
=== Chapter 14 ===
;Plot Summary
The warship's shields go down right as [[Spensa]] arrives, but their [[Starfighter#Destructors|destructor]] turrets keep firing at the drones. Spensa flies through the trailing drones and hits her [[Starfighter#Inverted Magellan Pulse|IMP]], hoping to distract as many drones as possible. She gains a tail, but the warship is able to cut down each drone trailing her. Spensa falls in next to the warship, and [[M-Bot]] tells her they are receiving a call from an unfamiliar radio channel. M-Bot patches it through, and only cheering can be heard on the other end. A deep voice on the other side informs Spensa she has saved the [[kitsen]] flagship, [[Gaualako-An]] (Big Enough to Kill You) and with it, [[Hesho]], former king of the kitsen. Spensa asks if they want to form a flight with her, and HenshoHesho says yes, but only if Spensa can find another quick starfighter to balance their flight. Spensa sees [[Brade]] flying off in the distance, and patches a radio comm to her asking if she wants to join. Brade responds by [[Starfighter#Light-Lance|light-lancing]] another ship into an asteroid and flying away at high speed. Spensa goes toward the ship Brade has just damaged to ask if they need assistance. She patches through a radio comm, and tells the pilot to turn off their ship and flash their emergency lights. The [[dione]] pilot tells Spensa they cannot, because the collision has crushed their emergency lights. Spensa tows the ship back toward Hesho via light-lance, and sends out a radio comm via the general channel and asks if any ships can assist them. A feminine voice responds after a second attempt and promises to help if Spensa promises not to shoot. Spensa agrees, and a drone comes out from hiding behind an asteroid and is almost shot by Spensa, until things are sorted out and Spensa tells the feminine pilot to distract the drones keeping her from assisting the dione. The pilot does so, and Spensa is able to dislodge a small rock from the dione's boosters, allowing the ship to have fully operational boosters. The dione informs Hesho and Spensa that their name is [[Morriumur]], and the trio continue patrolling the battlefield until time expires and the drones return to their hiding places on the underside of the mining platform. The surviving 50 pilots return to the atmospheric bubble atop the mining station and exit their ships. Spensa is about to angrily demand why the Superiority used live destructor fire on civilian vessels, but is beaten to it by a hulking gorilla-like alien. The alien slams [[Winzik]] for not using dummy rounds and firing on an untrained populace, and proceeds to threaten Winzik. Winzik takes offense and releases the gorilla-alien, identified as [[Gul'zah]] of the [[burl (species)|burl]], from duty. M-Bot restrains Spensa from getting further involved, and Morriumur steps in and asks Spensa if she wants to get food with them.
=== Chapter 16 ===
;Plot Summary
[[Morriumur]] asks [[Spensa]] if they're really worth training, as the current draft of themself might be wiped soon, to which Spensa responds yes, that they are improving rapidly as a pilot. The two continue discussing Morriumur's parents, and Morriumur tells Spensa they wantswant to show her a park in the city. On their way, Morriumur tells Spensa they overheard her and [[Hesho]]'s conversation earlier aboard the ''[[Weights and Measures]]'' and argues that although there are flaws to the [[Superiority]], just as their are in every government, it has provided good lives for millions of beings through the monopolization of [[cytonics|cytonic]] hyperdrives. They finally arrive at the park, where Spensa sees globs of water floating in the air with smaller globs floating around the park, with hundreds of children splashing around and throwing water at each other. Once a clock on a nearby wall reaches a certain point, all the water in the park rains down on the children, leaving them squealing with delight. It is at this point that Spensa lets her guard down for the first time since arriving, realizing the Superiority isn't some grand façade, that its citizens truly are happy, they're just average everyday beings, just like her and the people of [[Detritus]]. Spensa tells Morriumur of the stories [[Becca Nightshade|her grandmother]] told her, saying they are from the cadamique, the [[UrDail]] holy book; stories of warriors who went off to war and succeeded, but came back different and unable to adapt to the society they had fought so hard to protect. Spensa tells Morriumur the Superiority needs different people like them and her. They head back to the embassy, and Morriumur sees [[Doomslug]] and immediately becomes aggressive, telling Spensa she needs to get rid of the [[taynix]]. Spensa tells them it is a very similar-looking species, and Morriumur tells her they won't report her. They leave, and M-Bot tells Spensa she needs to see the news. She turns on a monitor on the wall to a news station that shows an image of Detritus and exclaims that the humans are close to escaping.
=== Chapter 29 ===
* [[Morriumur]] (point of view)
* [[Cuna]] (point of view]])
* [[Numiga]]
* [[Zezin]]
[[Morriumur]] is with their family, ready to go into a pod to separate so their parents can repupate. Their family's eldest grand, [[Numiga]], helps them into the pod and tries to soothe their fears. They begin to feel disoriented as their brains separate, when [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]] is shook by a massive force. While their family is distracted and begins to run away, they get out of the pod, force their brain and body to return to normal, and stand to face the [[delver]].
[[Cuna]] stands sitting on a balcony with one of their [[figment]]s, [[Zezin]], watching the [[delver]] approach and fling its embers. They realize that [[Winzik]] has lost control of the delver and Cuna tells Zezin to go, since his ability to travel through the air might enable him to reach a ship in time to hyperjump away; Zezin promises to resist Winzik and clean up his mess. As Cuna contemplates how little they can do, they observesobserve a trio of [[starfighter]]s pop into existence just outside [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]]'s shield.
=== Chapter 43 ===
;Plot Summary
[[Spensa]] finds herself in a completely white room, with another version of herself standing across the room. The other Spensa, who the real Spensa realizes is what her mind comprehends the [[delver]] to be, is looking at an infinite amount of white pinpricks on the wall, the annoyances of [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]], and is gleefully stamping them out. Spensa begs the delver to stop, then reaches out her hand and touches the delver. She immediately grows infinitely large, larger than a galaxy, eternal. She sees and notices the disturbances of Starsight from the delver's perspective and wants to crush them. She returns to normal size and is able to project ''her'' point of view to the delver. They shrink to the size of a child, and Spensa shows the delver what she observed at Starsight, inlcudingincluding the children playing in the water park and Mrs. [[Chamwit]] doing chores. These revelations make the delver realize that the things it so desires to eliminate are alive, just like it is, horrifying it and prompting it to suddenly reverse in on itself and disappear, which leaves Spensa floating in space.
=== Epilogue ===
;Plot Summary
[[Spensa]] and [[Cuna]] run into the bathroom, which, being connected to another bedroom, allowed access to the hallway. The door to the first room shakes, and Cuna heads towards it to open it, thinking it's the doctors, when a fully armored [[varvax]] soldier breaks down the door. Spensa throws Cuna over her shoulders and sprints towards the bathroom. They enter the hallway and sprint down the stairs at the end of the hall. Spensa gives Cuna her hologram bracelet and activates the red dione hologram, telling Cuna to wait in a janitorial closet to avoid detection. Spensa sprints down another flight of stairs and lands on a heavily armored varavxvarvax. They wrestle with his rifle, then Spensa jumps up and bares her teeth right in its face. Scared, it falls backwards and loses its grip on the rifle, and Spensa shoots its power suit in the stomach from point blank range then runs off. She exits the hospital and runs onto the street, only to see a military air support ship facing her down. She dives back behind a building as the ship unleashes a barrage of shots at her. From the other side of the street, [[Brade]] fires two shots from a rocket launcher at the ship and takes it down. She tries to get Spensa to stay and help her in Winzik' s coup, but Spensa casts her off and runs towards the Protective Services Special Project building, hoping to find [[M-Bot]]. She reaches the building and blows open the door and demands a guard tell her where M-Bot is. He tells her, and she runs off to where he is. She arrives to see M-Bot's hull torn open and his CPU removed and smashed to pieces. The espionage drone she and M-Bot made floats over and tells her that he reprogrammed himself onto the drone, copying a single line of code at a time between restarts. He is slower now, as he has no cytonic processors, but he is alive. Spensa finds [[Doomslug]] hidden in M-Bot's old ship, and M-Bot plays a news station for Spensa that shows Winzik presenting a twisted tale of the human dignitary going on a murder spree on [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]] and killing Cuna. Realizing that Protective Services forces will arrive shortly, Spensa grabs Doomslug and M-Bot and runs to the section of the building Cuna took her to. She blows open the door and presses a button on the wall to reveal the [[nowhere]] sphere. She puts M-Bot in one hand and Doomslug in the other and touches the sphere, and is immediately pulled into the nowhere.
== Notes ==
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