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{{in progress}}
|profession=Construction workerObrero
|books=[[MistbornNacidos de la bruma Era 2]]
{{for|Bilg|theel [[skaa]] whoa wasquien alsotambién referred to asllaman Brill}}
|El [[Elors Durnsed|Mr.señor Durnsed]] should bloody well keep hisdebería headmantenerse clearlejos ofde theseaquí partssi ifsabe helo knowsque what'sle whatconviene.
|Brill, addressingrespondiendo a reporterun forreportero del ''[[TheDiario Elendelde DailyElendel]]''.{{file ref|Elendel_Daily_broadsheet.png|''The Elendel Daily'' broadsheet}}
'''Brill''' ises aun constructionobrero worker inen [[Elendel]] on, [[Scadrial]]. HeTrabaja workscomo asremachador a line riveter and is ay memberes ofmiembro thedel [[UnitedSindicato Tradeworkersde UnionComerciantes Unidos]]. WhenCuando hese learnedenteró ofdel supuesto abandono de [[Elors Durnsed]]'s apparentcomo abandonmentjefe ofdel his duties as union chiefsindicato, heél andy manymuchos ofde hissus colleaguescompañeros becamese extremely angryenfurecieron, nearlyllegando tocasi the pointa ofla violenceviolencia.{{file ref|Elendel_Daily_broadsheet.png|''The Elendel Daily'' broadsheet}}
== NotesNotas ==
{{complete|[[User:Big Smooth|Big Smooth]] ([[User talk:Big Smooth|talk]]) 22:42, 26 May 2021 (UTC)}}


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