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'''{{for|Regio#Formas de poder conocidas|una lista de formas Regias conocidas|Formas de poder conocidas}}'''
==SlaveformForma esclava==
{{image|Slaveform by Marie Seeberger.jpg|side=right|width=250px|AUn parshmancriado servantparshmenio}}
|They may have taken your freedom, but they took our '''minds'''.
TheEl termtérmino '''slaveformforma esclava''' ises howcomo listenerslos describeoyentes singersdescriben witha nolos cantores sin ningún vínculo [[spren]] bond, que no formtienen forma, andy vastly limitedcapacidad mental capacityvastamente limitada; humanslos referhumanos tose refieren a suchestos singerscantores ascomo thelos '''parshmenparshmenios'''.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}}{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} ItSe looksparece visuallyvisualmente similara tola dullform,forma enoughgris, sosuficiente thatpara humansque canlos confusehumanos thelas twoconfundan.{{book ref|sa2|71}} SlaveformLa didforma notesclava existno existía hasta untildespués afterde thela [[FalseFalsa DesolationDesolación]].{{wob ref|8400}} ItSe wascreó created whencuando [[Melishi]] leddirigió aun strikeequipo teamde toasalto capturepara capturar a [[Ba-Ado-Mishram]], whoquien wasproveía providinga thelos singerscantores withsus formas [[RegalRegio|Regia]] formss.{{epigraph ref|sa3|80}} ThoughAunque successfultriunfaron, ittuvo hadel anefecto unintendedinvoluntario sidede effectrobarle ofa robbinglos singers ofcantores [[ConnectionConexión]] ande [[IdentityIdentidad]], andcreando así thusla creatingforma slaveformesclava.{{epigraph ref|sa3|81}}
Physically, slaveform singers are strong enough to perform physical labor.{{book ref|sa1|55}} However, they lack [[Identity]] and [[Connection]], rendering them mentally stunted.{{book ref|sa3|17}} Though seemingly capable of feeling and understanding their situation, they cannot fully comprehend it. Their awareness is dreamlike and they have no capacity to understand fully or act on their feelings.{{book ref|sa3|17}} They are capable of processing and understanding orders, and will obey without question. When left on their own, they sit around, not doing anything.{{book ref|sa1|33}}


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