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m (Ayanyx trasladó la página Delver a Zapador sin dejar una redirección: Traducción al español)
|type=Extra-dimensional entities
|abilities=[[Cytonics]], [[nowhere]] travel, and more
|books=[[Skyward (series)]]
Delvers are artificial intelligence that went into the nowhere and evolved to a higher form. However, many of the AI at first only experienced emotions over a period of days when their creator, Jason WrightWrite, died. With the pain overloading the mind and not understanding how to deal with any sort of emotion, they expelled all memories and personality to copy themselves over and over to avoid any sort of pain whatsoever.{{book ref|sky3|41}}
The first known appearance of a delver occurred during the second of the [[human wars]]. During that time, mankind built facilities on obscure planets as part of a weapons program hoping to summon and control a delver, with [[Detritus]] being one such base.{{book ref|sky2|19}} They have also built stations to train people in handling the delvers.{{book ref|sky1|25}} Though their attempts were successful, the beings proved impossible to control, and in some cases, the cytoshields proved insufficient, leading to delvers destroying the very people who sought them out.{{book ref|sky2|4}}
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