Diferencia entre revisiones de «Eelakin»

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== Civilization ==
Although traditionally a tribal society, the Eelakin have started increasing their technology level and moving away from their trapper heritage. This is spurred by the [[Ones Above]], who have been trading maps and technology to the Eelakin. [[Aviar]] have always been important to the Eelakin. Otherwise, travel on the waters would be extremely dangerous. Many of the Eelakin are dependent on the trappers; without the [[Aviar]] brought back from the [[Pantheon]] they would be unable to function as they do. Because of this, many Eelakin wish to make a permanent settlement on the Pantheon and subdue the islands like they did to the [[Homeisles]]. This project has been headed by the [[Northern Interests Trading Company]]. The Eelakin are ruled by a council of twenty chiefs.{{book ref|sixth}}
== Culture ==
Traditionally the Eelakin worshipped the [[Pantheon]] and practiced the old ways of being able to navigate the oceans without maps. They are lead by a council of twenty chiefs who elect on what they all should do.{{book ref|sixth}}
Training for Trappers begin at the age of 10 where they are sent to train on the island of Sumi. They are only allowed to graduate from this period of training after their teacher decides they have proven themselves, once this is done then they are allowed to select one of the islands to live upon and hunt on.{{book ref|sixth}} This process can take many years.
Recently with the arrival of the [[Ones Above]] new technology has entered their culture and the old ways of doing things have slowly been dying out.{{book ref|sixth}}
== Notes ==
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