Diferencia entre revisiones de «Reddi»

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m (Texto reemplazado: «{{cat tag|Law enforcement» por «{{cat tag|Fuerzas de la ley»)
|profession={{cat tag|FuerzasLaw de la leyenforcement}}
After Wax and Marasi's final confrontation with the Vanishers beneath the [[Ironspine Building]], Reddi told Wax that Brettin had decided not to charge Wayne with impersonating an officers of the law.{{book ref|aol|20}} Reddi was confused by this choice, when before Brettin had seemed determined to keep Wax and Wayne out of his investigation on the Vanishers.{{book ref|aol|6}}
When Brettin retired and [[Aradel]] came out of retirement to succeed him as Constable-General, Reddi hoped to become his assistant. However, Aradel instead hired [[Marasi Colms]] as his assistant, citing his preference to use the assistant position as bureaucratic training. By contrast, most constables saw the assistant position as a promotion from the role of field constable. This resulted in the perception that Marasi had wrongfully jumped ahead of more experienced constables, which led to strong animosity between her and Reddi.{{book ref|sos|5}}
Reddi later succeeded Aradel as Constable-General on Marasi's recommendation when Aradel ascended to the office of governor as successor to [[Replar Innate]]. This significantly eased the animosity between him and Marasi.
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