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m (Ayanyx trasladó la página Spanreed a Vinculacañas: Traducción al español)
A '''spanreed''' is a type of [[Fabrial#Conjoiner| conjoiner fabrial]] developed sometime before the [[War of Reckoning]] that enabled long distance communication on the world of [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa1|28}}{{book ref|sa1|part=ars}}
Spanreeds, like all conjoiner fabrials, are made by capturing a spren inside a ruby and splitting it in half.{{book ref|sa3|100}} The two halves are then embedded in reed pens. The two pens can then mimic the movements of the other, exactly. The energy required for the second pen to move is provided by the holder of the first pen, which feels twice as heavy as an ordinary pen would.{{book ref|sa1|part=ars}} The farther apart spanreeds are, the heavier the pens became after activation. This can be used to triangulate the position of the opposite spanreed.{{book ref|sa4|28}}
The setting of the ruby can be rotated to switch between different "modes." One is to alert the possessor of the spanreed's twin that a conversation is desired. Another to alert the first that the message was received. The third and fourth notches sync the movements of the two pens, each notch makes one pen the transmitter and the other the receiver.{{book ref|sa1|28}} Vorin men who do not write can communicate with a spanreed by turning the gem on and off to indicate that they are still alive.{{book ref|sa3|64}}
[[Tashikk]] is beginning to become a spanreed hub, with several people and places having reeds connected to various businesses in Tashikk. The Tashikk operator is hired by the remote user to exchange messages, to research on your behalf, and to make other enquiries.{{book ref|sa2|24}}
Spanreeds cannot be used effectively whilst moving when its pair is stable.{{book ref|sa2|88}} Since the function of fabrials is dependent on the user's frame of reference, a spanreed in motion would be incapable of relaying a clear message to its stationary pair. If both spanreeds are on the same ship, for example, then the spanreed would function properly because both users have the same frame of reference. This is also why spanreeds are unaffected by the planet's motion and curvature.{{book ref|sa3.5|5}} Spanreeds cannot communicate between the [[Physical Realm|Physical]] and [[Cognitive Realm]].{{book ref|sa4|20}}
== Notes ==
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