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{{Radiant|order=Forjador de Vínculos
[[en:Order of Bondsmiths]]
{{Radiant|order=Forjador de VínculosBondsmith
|'spren=[[NightwatcherVigilante Nocturna]], [[StormfatherPadre Tormenta]], [[SiblingHermano]]
|surge-=Tensión |surge+=Adhesión
|order-=StonewardCustodios de Piedra |order+=WindrunnerCorredores del Viento
TheLa '''Orderorden ofde Bondsmithslos Forjadores de Vínculos''' ises una ande orderlas ofórdenes thede [[KnightsCaballeros RadiantRadiantes]] onen Roshar.{{epigraph ref|sa2|44}}
TheLos BondsmithsForjadores arede Vínculos son [[SurgebinderPotenciación|potenciadores]]s whoque useutilizan thelas [[SurgePotenciación|Potencias]]s ofde TensionTensión andy AdhesionAdhesión,{{wob ref|14102}} andy theyestán areasociados associatedcon with the heliodorla [[polestonepiedrabase]] heliodoro. {{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} TheyEstablecen form aun [[Vínculo Nahel|vínculo bondNahel]] withcon oneuno ofde threelos uniquetres [[spren]] únicos: theel [[StormfatherPadre Tormenta]],{{book ref|sa2|89}} thela [[NightwatcherVigilante Nocturna]],{{book ref|sa3|64}}, ando theel [[SiblingHermano]].{{book ref|sa4|3}} TheLa exactnaturaleza natureexacta ofdel thevínculo [[Nahel bond]]que thatlos BondsmithsForjadores sharede withVínculos theircomparten specificcon su spren isno unclear;está itdel maytodo orclara, maypuede notque besea similar too otherno ordersal ofque theestablecen Knightsotras Radiantórdenes de Caballeros Radiantes. HistoricallyHistóricamente oneha ofsido theuna mostde exaltedlas ordersórdenes ofde Radiants,Radiantes más eminentes.{{wob ref|14102}} Los theForjadores Bondsmithsde areVínculos Surgebindersson ofpotenciadores extraordinaryde powerincreíble poder,{{book ref|sa3|64}} thatrefundados weredespués refoundedde followingla the Recreance[[Traición]] bypor Dalinar Kholin.{{book ref|sa2|89}}
== Philosophy ==
While each order of Radiants contains a variety of personalities within it, those who join the Bondsmiths generally subscribe to a philosophy of peace and unity.{{wob ref|13781}} They seek unity at all scales, from uniting the highprinces in a single kingdom in one purpose,{{book ref|sa1|69}} to uniting the kingdoms of the world in the face of the [[True Desolation]].{{book ref|sa3|1}} This philosophy is reflected in their Ideals, which are generally themed around unity.{{wob ref|13781}} Bringing people together is their highest calling and their most important duty as Radiants. Among the other orders, the Bondsmiths are generally the most respected and celebrated of Radiants. The role of the Bondsmiths serve as the heart and soul of the Radiants and makes them some of the most respected and celebrated of the Knights, making their protection and safety a paramount concern.
== Ideals of the Bondsmiths ==
The Bondsmiths have access to '''Tension''', the Surge of Soft Axial Interconnection, and '''Adhesion''', the Surge of Pressure and Vacuum.{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} While this is simply stated, the powers of the Bondsmiths are many and varied and may not be easily definable as one Surge or another. Although they are capable of performing the same mundane abilities they share with their adjacent orders, the powers of the Bondsmiths are generally used in very different ways.{{book ref|sa3|64}} Their ability to manipulate Connection{{book ref|sa3|64}} gives them great influence over the nature of oaths, bonds, and power.{{wob ref|13781}} Their access to raw levels of Investiture is the greatest among the orders of Radiants.{{wob ref|11299}} Like most Knights Radiant, the Bondsmiths have squires.{{wob ref|13781}}
Generally speaking powers shared between two orders of Radiants may vary somewhat, but each individual Knight has powers generally similar to those of another member of their order.{{epigraph ref|sa2|35}} However, each Bondsmith has abilities and traits unique to the spren they bond.{{wob ref|13781}} This makes a generalized discussion of the common powers of a Bondsmith more complex than other orders. Some powers may be associated with the Stormfather's Bondsmith alone and are only true following the Splintering of the Shard Honor{{book ref|sa3|57}} and the subsequent alteration of the Stormfather.{{book ref|sa3|113}} Some abilities may only be functional when used in conjunction with a Radiant from another order.{{book ref|sa3|27}} Others may only be accessible because restrictions imposed on Surgebinding by Honor have vanished following the Shard's death.{{book ref|sa4|66}} Each Bondsmith seems to make use of a different variety of Light to fuel their abilities, the Stormfather's Bondsmith uses Stormlight,{{book ref|sa3|119}} the Sibling's [[Towerlight]],{{book ref|sa4|111}} and presumably the Nightwatcher grants her Bondsmith [[Lifelight]]. It is also worth noting that while Bondsmiths may be among the most powerful Radiants, at least in terms of access to quantities of raw Investiture, they generally speaking are not effective in a combat role.{{book ref|sa3|64}} Their powers are more subtle and but also wider reaching than those of a Radiant with different Surges.{{wob ref|13781}}
=== Adhesion ===
The Surge of Adhesion may also be used to create spiritual Connections rather than manipulating forces in the Physical Realm. Using Spiritual Adhesion a Bondsmith may touch another person, will Stormlight into them, and forge a Connection to that person.{{book ref|sa3|65}} This allows the Bondsmith to speak that person's native language. The Connection is temporary, it fades within a few days unless it is renewed again.{{wob ref|9340}} Whether the Surgebinder must remain physically close to this other person for the Connection to persist is unknown. Spiritual Adhesion is not capable of allowing a Bondsmith to make use of any other of a person's abilities that are not language-related.{{wob ref|11424}} The power bears a great similarity to other applications of [[Connection]] such as [[duralumin]] [[Feruchemy]] on Scadrial.{{book ref|mb6|22}}
Once the restrictions placed on Surgebinding by Honor were lifted following the Shard's death, Bondsmiths are free to manipulate Connection much more directly than they have been able to previously.{{book ref|sa4|66}} A knowledgeable Bondsmith may be able to use these Connections offensively, Connecting enemy Surgebinders to Roshar so that the Stormlight believes the planet to be a part of the bodies and is sucked into the ground.{{book ref|sa4|111}} It is uncertain if this power was accessible before Honor's death. This power leaves the recipient feeling drained afterward, with even stormlight healing unable to lift the headaces that follow. Another power that only became available to the Bondsmiths in Honor's final days is the ability to directly see Connections that tie all people to one another and reality.{{book ref|sa4|66}} When touching another's forehead, their Connections become faintly visible as dozens of minute tiny white lines stretching off into the distance. While a Bondsmith can visualize these Connections, they are not able to be altered in any useful way. A Bondsmith may see more specialized Connections as well, such as the Connections between the Heralds that make up the Oathpact.{{book ref|sa4|47}} Under some circumstances a Bondsmith can see flashes of a Herald's past by touching them. A knowledgeable Bondsmith may directly manipulate more specialized Connections to steal something like a Nahel bond, the mantle of a champion, strength, [[Breath]]s, the ability to use [[Allomancy]], etc.{{wob ref|15348}} These were previously forbidden by Honor.{{book ref|sa4|111}}{{wob ref|15348}} With enough Investiture a Bondsmith could attach a Shard to something.{{wob ref|15148}}
; Visions
|The Stormfather to Dalinar{{book ref|sa4|107}}
Another power related to the Bondsmiths is the ability to create{{book ref|sa4|107}} and view immersive real-seeming [[visions]]{{book ref|sa1|18}} of events real and imagined.{{book ref|sa1|75}} It is uncertain whether this ability is exclusive to the Stormfather's Bondsmith. For the Stormfather's Bondsmith this is an ability that progresses with the ideals. Initially the Bondsmith is brought into the visions each storm without their consent,{{book ref|sa1|18}} and the visions may be confusing and difficult to understand at first,{{book ref|sa1|75}} acting out their actions inside the visions in real life as well.{{book ref|sa1|19}} As time progresses, they later may cease having to act out the visions. While eventually the Bondsmith may enter a vision at any point, hethey may only bring along others who are inside of a highstorm.{{book ref|sa3|28}}
{{image|Choose a Side.jpg|Dalinar brings Venli into a vision|side=right|height=400px}}
Those who see these visions are in some way experiencing the Spiritual Realm, but the Cognitive Realm is also involved to provide a framework for what appears and allow for Spiritual Realm to be comprehensible.{{wob ref|9562}} Any intelligent personalities that exist in the vision are comprised of Investiture that has interacted with the Cognitive Realm in order to come to life and be capable of intelligent response. This power can allow someone to interact with historic figures long dead or speak to deceased loved ones for a moment or two.{{book ref|sa4|108}} When these visions show people who have passed into the Beyond, it is ambiguous whether these minds are truly allow the dead to speak from the Beyond or whether the Stormfather's knowledge and Connection allows him to convincingly mimic their personalities.{{wob ref|14515}}
A similar ability that the Stormfather can grant is riding the storms, in which a person can join him and view the land from the perspective of a highstorm as it passes over the continent of Roshar.{{book ref|sa4|71}} The person riding the storm with the Stormfather may be capable of seeing even more details of the terrain below the highstorm than the Stormfather himself. It appears that his bonded Radiant may exercise even more control over these visions than a normal person allowed to ride the storm. When his Radiant rides the storm, the Radiant may control it if the Stormfather allows himthem, and can even go backwards against the force of the storm, although this pains the Stormfather greatly. When in this state a Bondsmith is even capable of acceptaccepting a Radiant's oath in the Stormfather's stead.{{book ref|sa4|108}} They are also capable of communicating with those in the highstorm, though those words will not be spoken out loud via their physical body.{{book ref|sa4|71}} The ability of the Sibling's Bondsmith to see and comprehend the mechanisms of [[Urithiru]] may be related, it represents a similar expansion of the Radiant's perception and knowledge of the Tower{{book ref|sa4|111}} in a similar way to someone riding the highstorm. It also allows for the Radiant to speak through the veins of garnet in the Tower, much as the Sibling does.{{book ref|sa4|111}}
=== Tension ===
Each Bondsmith shares a [[Nahel bond]] with one of three unique spren: the [[Stormfather]], the [[Nightwatcher]]{{book ref|sa3|111}}, and the [[Sibling]].{{book ref|sa4|3}} These spren are all sort of the same type,{{wob ref|13647}} but obviously have substantial differences between them as well. The sheer power of the various Bondsmith spren allows them to violate the normal rules governing the true spren bonded to other orders. The Bondsmith spren are more omnipresent and can be located great distances from their Radiants while still granting them powers and speaking directly into their minds, as they are much more widely Connected than other Radiant spren.{{wob ref|4268}}{{book ref|sa4|71}} Bondsmiths typically do not have access to a [[Shardblade]],.{{wob ref|3311}} althoughIt itis possible for the Stormfather and the Nightwatcher to become Shardblades, though this is highly implausible.{{wob ref|15682}} It is also possible to force the essence of their bonded spren into the Physical Realm{{book ref|sa4|90}} in a way that allows them to activate Oathgates.{{book ref|sa3|100}} This is an uncomfortable and even dangerous thing to do, perhaps risking killing the spren,{{book ref|sa4|90}} and has only been observed with the Stormfather.{{book ref|sa3|100}} However, like typical Radiant spren, Bondsmith spren are still vulnerable if their bonded Radiant betrays their oaths.{{wob ref|6041}}{{book ref|sa4|90}} While Bondsmiths do not have access to a Blade, there is evidence that they may manifest a suit of Shardplate,{{book ref|sa3|109}} perhaps comprised of gloryspren, although this is not confirmed.{{wob ref|8803}} Additionally, following the death of Honor, the Stormfather's Bondsmith has the ability to release Odium from his confinement if they so choose, as they hold a large remnant of Honor's power and authority.{{book ref|sa3|57}}
{{image|Dalinar Perpendicularity.png|side=left|width=250px|Dalinar summoning [[Honor's Perpendicularity]]}}
As Bondsmiths are deeply Connected to powerful spren that serve as sources of Investiture, unlike other Radiants they are capable of pulling through Investiture on demand,{{book ref|sa4|111}} each spren allowing access to its associated Light. They may use this ability to overcharge another Radiant with Light directly{{book ref|sa3|122}} This process is physically taxing for the Bondsmith. However, as most Radiants primarily make use of Stormlight, this is perhaps most useful for the Stormfather's Bondsmith, although the other Bondsmiths can still generate their respective Lights for personal use. It is uncertain how exactly this is done, but it is not necessary for the Bondsmith to be holding some Light already in order to pull more over into the Physical Realm.{{book ref|sa4|110}} The exact mechanics of this ability are unknown, but it seems most likely that they are pulling it directly from the Spiritual Realm.
Another power that has only become available to a Bondsmith following Honor's demise is the ability to open a full perpendicularity,{{book ref|sa3|119}} seemingly an expansion of the ability to generate Investiture. This can be opened fully or partially.{{book ref|sa4|47}} If the Bondsmith's perpendicularity is forcefully closed, they are able to open another.{{book ref|sa4|111}} Of the three Radiants, only the Stormfather's and the Sibling's Bondsmith hashave been confirmed to be able to summon Honor's Perpendicularity, which itself is typically mobile.{{book ref|sa3|93}}{{wob ref|1525}}{{wob ref|15150}} It is uncertain if the Nightwatcher's Bondsmith can also summon perpendicularities, although the fact that the wielder of the Blade of the Bondsmiths may also summon a perpendicularity{{book ref|sa4|111}} lends credence to the possibility that they may do the same.
; Repairing inanimate objects:
; Synergy with other Radiants:
Another power unique to the Bondsmiths is their ability to work jointly with other Radiants to create effects that neither could manage independently. A Bondsmith has a unique interaction with the Radiants of each order,{{wob ref|11296}}{{book ref|sa4|17}} and it may even be that the specifics of these joint abilities vary between each Bondsmith spren. When a joint power may be used, both Radiants feel a tugging or leaping sensation towards one another.{{book ref|sa3|8}} These joint powers only appear to be active when the Radiants are physically together, although there may be some way around this requirement.{{book ref|sa3|27}} It is uncertain where this power comes from, although it may be the Resonance of the Bondsmiths. Only one such specific synergy is known; the Stormfather's Bondsmith may work in tandem with a Lightweaver to create a three-dimensional projection of Roshar as it appeared to the Stormfather the last time a highstorm passed over the continent.{{book ref|sa3|8}} This map behaves like any other illusion that is created by a Lightweaver, its appearance may be altered or enlarged.{{book ref|sa4|17}}{{book ref|sa3|122}} and itIt may collapse if the Radiant is distracted{{book ref|sa3|122}} or if the illusion is touched.,{{book ref|sa3|8}} though it treats touching the Bondsmith differently, instead reaching towards them.{{book ref|sa4|17}}
== History ==


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