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La Investidura gaseosa del [[sistema roshariano]] se manifiesta como diferentes tipos de '''luces''', cada una de ellas asociada a una o más [[Esquirla]]s. Dentro de estas luces rosharianas distinguimos entre las tres puras, que son la [[luz tormentosa]], [[luz del vacío]] y [[Luces#Luz de vida|luz de vida]], algunas híbridas (las únicas confirmadas son [[Luces#Luz de guerra|luz de guerra]] y [[Luces#Luz de torre|luz de torre]]), y las [[Luces#Antiluces|antiluces]].
== CharacteristicsCaracterísticas &y Attributespropiedades ==
Aunque las luces de Roshar provengan de distintas Esquirlas, todas ellas comparten algunas características, propiedades y comportamientos fundamentales.
Although the Lights of Roshar come from different Shards, they all share a few fundamental attributes, properties, and behaviors.
=== PhysicalPropiedades Propertiesfísicas ===
Todas las luces comparten características con la luz corriente (como por ejemplo la radiación electromagnética) y la materia (en concreto con gases y líquidos) aunque no sean ninguna de las dos cosas.{{book ref|sa4|65}}
All Lights share some characteristics with regular light (i.e. electromagnetic radiation) and matter - specifically gases and liquids - though they are neither one of these.{{book ref|sa4|65}}
La comparación entre la luz común y las luces de Roshar es, en algunos aspectos, sencilla, ya que la luz corriente no puede ser capturada en gemas, y parece ser emitida por cualquiera de las otras luces rosharianas (en concreto, las luces permiten que el Reino Espiritual “brille a través de ellas”{{wob ref|6389}}). También existen diferencias sutiles entre ellas. Cuando la luz corriente es refractada a través de un prisma se divide en un arcoíris, con todos los colores repartidos en igual proporción y con una sutil transición de un color a otro; sin embargo, la iluminación emitida por las luces de Roshar forma una imposibilidad física: un arcoíris con colores específicos (por ejemplo, azul para la luz tormentosa) desproporcionado con respecto a los otros colores.{{book ref|sa4|65}} Las luces híbridas, como la luz de torre, se comportan incluso de forma más extraña: se dividen en dos arcoíris cuyos colores coinciden con las dos luces que la forman. Por ejemplo, la luz de torre se dividirá en un arcoíris formado por una banda azul más ancha y una banda verde más ancha, correspondientes a los arcoíris de la luz tormentosa y la luz de vida.{{book ref|sa4|65}}
The comparison between light and Light is, in some ways, the easiest to make - regular light cannot be captured in gems, and it appears to be emitted by any one of the Lights (specifically, the Lights allow the Spiritual Realm to "shine through"{{wob ref|6389}}). There are some subtle differences, however. When refracted through a prism, regular light forms a rainbow, with all colors getting an even share in the band, smoothly transitioning from one to the next; the illumination given off by the Lights, however, forms a physical impossibility - a rainbow with specific colors (e.g. blue for Stormlight) getting a larger share of the overall band.{{book ref|sa4|65}} Hybrid Lights, such as Towerlight, behave even more strangely - they split into ''two'' rainbows, matching their constituent Lights. For example, Towerlight will split into one rainbow with a wider blue band, and one with a wider green band, matching the rainbows produced by Stormlight and Lifelight.{{book ref|sa4|65}}
El parecido con los líquidos es más sutil y se manifiesta de forma más evidente cuando se transfiere luz entre gemas mediante las vibraciones del sonido, donde se comporta de forma similar a la forma en la que los líquidos se pueden traspasar de un recipiente a otro (aunque la mecánica real es diferente). Una vez que se inicie la transferencia, la luz seguirá la fuente del sonido, de forma parecida a como un líquido fluye a través de un tubo o una manguera.{{book ref|sa4|42}} Este paralelismo es vigente incluso cuando se transfiere luz directamente de una gema a otra mediante el [[Luces#El método arnista|método arnista]], aunque el proceso se parece más a la ósmosis.{{book ref|sa4|65}}
The similarity with liquids is more subtle, and manifests most clearly when transferring Light between gems using sound vibrations, where it behaves similarly to the way liquids can be siphoned from one container into another (though the actual mechanics behind this are different). Once the transfer begins, the Light will follow the source of the sound, much like how a liquid will flow through a siphoning tube or hose.{{book ref|sa4|42}} This parallel holds even when transferring Light directly from one gem to another using [[#The Arnist Method|the Arnist Method]], though the process there is more akin to osmosis.{{book ref|sa4|65}}
Por último, las semejanzas con los gases son más evidentes en cómo se comporta la luz cuando no está ''haciendo'' nada: se dispersa por superficies porosas, se eleva en el aire y se "evapora".
And finally, the similarities with gases are most evident in how Light behaves when it is not ''doing'' anything - it diffuses through porous surfaces, rises in the air, and "evaporates."
=== InteractionInteracción withcon Gemsgemas ===
AllTodas Lightslas canluces bepueden storedser inalmacenadas gemsen gemas. HowEl longtiempo aque givenpermanecerá quantityuna ofdeterminada Lightcantidad willde remainluz inen auna specificgema gemconcreta dependsdependerá ondel thetipo typede ofluz Lighty andde thela qualitycalidad ofde thela gemgema.{{book ref|sa4|16}} TheEl rateritmo atal whichque ala Lightluz leaksse fromescapa gemstonesde isla notgema constanttampoco eitheres -constante, itparece appearslento slowal atprincipio first, butpero acceleratesse rapidlyacelera nearconforme these endagota, makinglo gemsque thathace beginque tolas dim,gemas empiecen a dimapargarse ''fastrápidamente.''{{book ref|sa4|32}} RegardlessSin ofimportar theel typetipo ofde Lightluz, perfectse gemsdice areque saidlas togemas beperfectas ableson tocapaces holdde itcontener indefinitely,luz butde forma indefinida, theypero areson extremelyextremadamente rareraras.{{book ref|sa4|13}}
LightLa canluz alsotambién bepuede transferredser betweentransferida gemsentre gemas. PriorAntes tode thela occupationocupación ofde Urithiru, duringdurante thela TrueAuténtica DesolationDesolación, thelos methodsmétodos ofpara transferringtransferir Lightluz -(en onlyese Stormlight atmomento, theluz timetormentosa) -de fromuna onegema gema tootra anothereran wereun closelysecreto guardedcelosamente secretsguardado ofpor thediferentes differentcomunidades artifabriande communitiesartifabrianos.{{epigraph ref|sa4|3}}
==== TheEl Arnistmétodo Methodarnista ====
El método arnista para transferir luz entre gemas es un procedimiento que implica drenar la luz de una gema infusa más pequeña para moverla a otras gemas más grandes y vacías del mismo tipo. Este procedimiento es una reminiscencia del movimiento de los gases a través de un diferencial de presión, ya que la luz fluye de forma natural y paulatina de una gema más pequeña a otra más grande y cercana.{{book ref|sa4|42}}{{epigraph ref|sa4|4}}
The Arnist Method of transferring Light between gems is a procedure involving draining the Light from a small(er) infused gemstone and moving it into several large(r) empty ones of the same type; the procedure is reminiscent of the movement of gases across a pressure differential, as Light will naturally and passively leave a smaller gem and flow into a nearby larger one.{{book ref|sa4|42}}{{epigraph ref|sa4|4}}
==== TheEl Vriztlmétodo Guilddel Methodgremio Vriztl ====
Existe al menos una alternativa al método arnista, y aunque no tiene un nombre propio, es conocido por el gremio Vriztl de Thaylenah, y tradicionalmente requiere de diapasones y sonido. Si una gema puede hacerse vibrar a la frecuencia de alguno de los tonos puros de Roshar, la luz cercana correspondiente a ese tono se verá atraída hacía ella (por ejemplo, una gema que vibra al tono de Honor atraerá luz tormentosa). Para transferir luz de una gema a otra, los artifabrianos deben primero usar un diapasón que iguale el tono deseado y golpearlo contra la gema para que la haga vibrar a la misma frecuencia. La gema y el diapasón vibrando a la misma frecuencia permiten al artifabriano dirigir una línea de luz desde una gema llena hasta una vacía, que (cuando es tocada por el diapasón, y puesta a la misma frecuencia) comenzará a absorber luz de la gema llena, aunque una pequeña cantidad de luz se pierde en la transferencia.{{book ref|sa4|42}}{{book ref|sa4|69}}
There exists at least one alternative to the Arnist Method, and while it doesn't have a formal name, it is known to the Vriztl Guild of Thaylenah - and it traditionally involves tuning forks and sound. If a gem can be made to vibrate at a frequency matching one of the pure tones of Roshar, it will draw nearby Light corresponding to that Tone (e.g. a gem vibrating to Honor's tone will draw Stormlight in). To transfer Light from one gem to another, the artifabrian would first use a tuning fork matching the desired tone, and touch it against the full gemstone, making it vibrate with the same frequency. The gem and fork vibrating at a matching frequency allows the artifabrian to lead a line of Light from the full gemstone to an empty one, which - when touched by the tuning fork and also made to vibrate at the matching frequency - would proceed to siphon the Light from the originally full gem, though a small amount of Light is lost in the transfer.{{book ref|sa4|42}}{{book ref|sa4|69}}
TheLos [[FusedFusionado]]s useusan auna técnica similar techniquepara todrenar drainla Stormlightluz fromtormentosa enemyde Radiantslos Radiantes enemigos.{{book ref|sa4|2}} GivenDada theirsu abilityhabilidad topara humtararear anycualquier puretono tonepuro andy transfertransferir Lightluz withoutsin artificialayuda aidsde herramientas,{{book ref|sa4|69}} likecomo tuninglos forksdiapasones, ites probable isque likelysus thatlanzas theirtambién spearsse relybasen onen thiseste wellprincipio.
=== IntentIntención ===
LightLa luz, muchal likeigual theque Shardslas itEsquirlas comesde fromlas que procede, hastiene [[IntentIntención]].{{book ref|sa4|71}} The full scopeNo ofestá theclara importancela ofimportancia thisreal Intentde isesta unclearIntención, butpero itparece appearsser criticalrelevante forpara thela creationcreación ofde hybridluces Lightshíbridas andy anti-Lightsantiluces.
== TheLos Tonestonos ==
OneUna ofde thelas mostrazones uniquepor wayslas theque Lightslas ofluces de Roshar behaveno unlikese regularcomportan mattercomo ismateria incomún thees wayla theyforma naturallynatural vibrateen la que vibran.{{book ref|sa4|89}} Each LightCada vibratesluz atvibra -y and responds to responde- notno onlysolo a specificuna frequencyfrecuencia concreta (matchingigual thea purela tonedel oftono itsde Shardsu Esquirla), butsi alsono toque también a specificun ''rhythm.ritmo'' Forespecífico. Por exampleejemplo, whencuando singerslos listencantores toescuchan auna Stormlightesfera spherede luz tormentosa, theypueden canescuchar faintlydébilmente hearel Honor'stono purepuro tonede waveringHonor, andvacilando pulsingy topulsando a statelyun rhythmritmo -majestuoso: Honor'sel rhythmritmo de Honor. Hybrid LightsLas luces híbridas, suchcomo asla Towerlightluz andde Warlighttorre y la luz de guerra, complicatecomplican más aún thisesta furtheridea, asya theyque havetienen ''twodos'' tonestonos (e.g.en inel thecaso casede ofla Towerlightluz de torre, los tonos de Honor's andy Cultivation'sde Cultivación), somehowque differentde fromalguna whatforma theyson diferentes a wouldcomo beserían inen thesus constituentluces Lightsconstituyentes, changedmodificados topara beestar inen harmonyarmonía withuno onecon another;el bothotro, tonesy adoptambos atonos rhythm,adoptan onceun againritmo differentnuevo, fromtambién thediferente rhythmsde oflos theritmos hybrid'sque lo "componentsconforman", -ya forque examplepor ejemplo, bothlos ofdos Towerlight'stonos de la luz tonesde vibratetorre tovibran theal RhythmRitmo ofde thela TowerTorre.{{book ref|sa4|76}}{{book ref|sa4|110}} TheLa combinationcombinación ofdel atono Shard'sde toneuna andEsquirla rhythmy issu sometimesritmo referredes toa asmenudo theconocido Shard'scomo la ''song.canción'' de la Esquirla.{{book ref|sa4|83}}{{book ref|sa4|97}}{{book ref|sa4|110}}
La relación entre las luces y sus tonos también va en dirección opuesta. De la misma forma que la armonía del tono de una luz y su ritmo pueden sentirse y escucharse, uno puede crear esta armonía utilizando instrumentos musicales, o incluso con la propia voz, y así atraer la luz.{{book ref|sa4|69}} De hecho, [[Rabeniel]] especula que la razón por la que la luz responde al sonido, y a la combinación específica de tono y ritmo, es porque es un recuerdo de la “voz” de la luz de la Esquirla.{{book ref|sa4|76}} El gremio Vriztl de Thaylenah, probablemente sin conocer las implicaciones realmáticas de ello, ha estado utilizando esta propiedad de la luz para transferir luz tormentosa entre gemas, en su caso, utilizando diapasones que coinciden con el tono de Honor.
The relationship between Lights and their tones goes in the other direction as well. The same way the harmony of a Light's tone and rhythm can be felt and heard, one can create this harmony using musical instruments, or even one's voice, and thus draw the Light in.{{book ref|sa4|69}} In fact, [[Raboniel]] speculates that the reason Light responds to sound, and the combination of a specific tone and rhythm, is because it is reminiscent of the "voice" of the Light's Shard.{{book ref|sa4|76}} The Vriztl Guild of Thaylenah, likely unaware of the Realmatic reasons behind it, has been making use of this property of Light to transfer Stormlight between gems - in their case, using tuning forks matching Honor's tone.
=== OppositeTonos Tonesopuestos ===
Existe un conjunto de tonos complementarios a los tonos puros de Roshar, con igual frecuencia pero creados e infusos con Intención. Estos tonos, a veces llamados “tonos opuestos” se comportan parecido a los tonos puros en cómo interaccionan con su luz respectiva (por ejemplo, la luz tormentosa interacciona con el tono opuesto de Honor) pero, mientras que los tonos puros atraen luz, los tonos opuestos la ''repelen''. La Intención juega un papel fundamental en la creación de los tonos opuestos, ya que no pueden ser creados por accidente, y uno debe tener la ''Intención'' de producirlos, aunque hay una excepción, y es que se pueden producir mecánicamente con ayuda de instrumento musical y sin Intención, siempre y cuando el instrumento haya sido creado con la intención de producir un tono opuesto.{{book ref|sa4|97}}
There exists a set of tones complementary to the pure tones of Roshar, identical in frequency, but created and infused with Intent. These tones, sometimes called "opposite tones" behave similarly to the pure ones, in that they too interact with their matching Light (e.g. Stormlight will interact with Honor's opposite tone), but where the sound produced by the pure tones attract Light, their opposites ''repel'' it. Intent plays a critical role in the creation of these opposite tones, as they cannot be created by accident, one must ''Intend'' to produce them, though there exists a caveat: an opposite tone can be produced mechanically, with a musical instrument and with no Intent, as long as the instrument was created with the Intent of producing an opposite tone in the first place.{{book ref|sa4|97}}
Relacionado con la capacidad de los tonos opuestos de repeler la luz, está la peculiaridad de que suenen de forma diferente para personas distintas. Por ejemplo, el tono de Odium y su opuesto suenan igual para los humanos, pero para un Fusionado, alguien cuya alma ha sido fuertemente investida por Odium, el tono opuesto suena particularmente desagradable.{{book ref|sa4|97}}
Related to the opposite tones' ability to repel Light is the strange way they sound differently to different people. For example, Odium's tone and its opposite sound identical to a human, but to a Fused - somebody whose soul has been heavily Invested by Odium - the opposite tone sounds uniquely unpleasant.{{book ref|sa4|97}}
Intrínsecamente, ya que los tonos opuestos suenan igual que sus equivalentes puros, éstos pueden encajar en sus respectivos ritmos. De la misma manera que el tono puro de Honor puede armonizar con su ritmo, también lo puede hacer con su opuesto. Esta canción cargada de Intención es fundamental para la creación de las antiluces.{{book ref|sa4|97}}
Naturally, since the opposite tones sound exactly like their pure counterparts, they can be made to be fit their respective rhythms; the same way Honor's pure tone can harmonize with his rhythm, so can his opposite tone. This Intent-fueled song is crucial for the creation of anti-Lights.{{book ref|sa4|97}}
== PureLuces Lightspuras ==
Existen tres luces primarias o “puras” en el sistema roshariano, una para cada Esquirla.
There are three primary, or "pure" Lights in the Rosharan system, one for each Shard.
{{image|Zeradoreh glyph.svg|"StormlightLuz tormentosa"|width=100px|side=right}}
=== StormlightLuz tormentosa ===
{{for|StormlightLuz tormentosa|moremás informationinformación}}
La luz de Honor's Lightha hassido beenuna aparte coreesencial partde ofla lifevida onen Roshar, bothtanto literallyliteralmente inpor theser renewingla andenergía refreshingrenovadora energyy itreparadora providesque toaporta thea planet'sla flora andy fauna del planeta, andcomo figurativelyen -sentido infigurado, por thelas numerousdiferentes waysformas iten isque beinglas usedpersonas byla peopleutilizan inen theirsu everydayvida lifediaria. ItEs issuministrada deliveredprincipalmente primarilya throughtravés thede highstorms,las andaltas glowstormentas withy abrilla steadycon whiteun light,constante withcolor ablanco slightcombinado con un sutil, nearlycasi imperceptible, bluecolor tintazul. When itsCuando illuminationsu isluz splites throughrefractada a prism,través itde producesun aprisma rainbowproduce withun aarcoíris con una banda azul mayor largerde bluelo bandhabitual.{{book ref|sa4|65}} WhenCuando drawnes inabsorbida andy heldretenida bypor aun Surgebinder,potenciador itmejora encouragessus motionmovimientos andy actioncapacidades. Stormlight'sLa -luz Honor'stormentosa, -la rhythmluz isde aHonor, tiene un statelyritmo onemajestuoso.{{book ref|sa4|67}}{{book ref|sa4|76}}
{{image|Rasodonar_glyph.svg|"Rasan'sLuz lightde Rasan"|width=130px|side=right}}
=== VoidlightLuz del vacío ===
{{for|VoidlightLuz del vacío|moremás informationinformación}}
HistoricallyHistóricamente, Odium'sla Lightluz onlyde foundOdium itssolo wayllegaba toa Roshar duringdurante Desolationslas whenDesolaciones, cuando Odium--or in(o theen caseel ofcaso thede Falsela DesolationFalsa Desolación, [[Ba-Ado-Mishram]]--would) supplyla itsuministraba directlydirectamente toa hissus servantssirvientes, providedsiempre theyque sangcantaran thela SongCanción ofde Prayerplegaria.{{book ref|sa4|67}} SinceDesde thela arrivalllegada ofde thela Everstorm,tormenta iteterna canla beluz obtainedde muchvacío morese easily--thoughpuede itobtener appearscon thatmucha itmás doesn'tfacilidad, naturallyaunque infuseparece gemsque inlas thegemas wayno Stormlightla doesabsorben duringde highstormsforma natural como sucede con la luz tormentosa durante las altas tormentas.{{book ref|sa4|16}} LikeAl Stormlightigual que la luz tormentosa, itpuede canser bealmacenada storeden ingemas gemsy se disipa mucho más lentamente, buty itprobablemente leaksesto muchsea moreel slowly--possiblyorigen thede sourcela ofcreencia de Szeth's beliefde thatque thelos VoidbringersPortadores candel holdVacío Stormlightpueden contener luz tormentosa (inen actualityrealidad, Voidlightluz del vacío) indefinitelyindefinidamente.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}{{book ref|sa4|16}}
VoidlightLa glowsluz withdel avacío brilla con un distintivo distinctresplandor purple-on-blackvioleta glowoscuro describeddescrito ascomo "hyperviolethipervioleta"{{book ref|sa4|16}}--possibly, theprobablemente Rosharanel ortérmino Alethiroshariano termo foralezi eitherpara ultravioletel orultravioleta ao chimericalun color imposible. WhenCuando itssu illuminationluz isse split throughdivide a prismtravés de un prisma, Voidlightse producesproduce aun rainbowarcoíris withcon anuna "enormousenorme" violetbanda bandvioleta, dwarfingempequeñeciendo alla los otherdemás colorscolores.{{book ref|sa4|65}} WhenCuando drawnes inabsorbida andy held,retenida la luz de Odium's Lightaviva enflameslas emotionsemociones, thoughaunque inal singersmenos aten leastlos itcantores doesn'tno infuseinfunde theirtodo entiresu bodycuerpo likecomo Stormlight doeshace la luz tormentosa, insteadsi goingno toque these gemheartalmacena en su gema corazón.{{book ref|sa4|67}} ItsSu rhythmritmo ises "chaoticcaótico, butpero withcon acierta certain logic to itlógica"."{{book ref|sa4|76}}
{{image|Koradaros_glyph.svg|"Koravari'sLuz lightde Koravari"|width=130px|side=right}}
=== LifelightLuz de vida ===
LifelightLa luz de vida, oro Cultivation'sluz Lightde Cultivación, ises quizás perhapsla themás rarestrara ofde thelas threetres pureluces Lightspuras. SomeParte ofde itella canla bepodemos foundencontrar inen theel [[ValleyValle]], inen theforma formde ofneblina green mistverde.{{wob ref|12207}} [[Lift]] istiene uniquelyla ablecapacidad toúnica producede producirla mediante itel bymetabolismo metabolizingde foodalimentos,{{book ref|sa4|60}} butpero actualmente no other ways ofse obtainingconocen itotras areformas currentlyde knownobtenerla. ItParece appears verymuy similar toa la luz Stormlighttormentosa, auna nearlyluz purecon whiteun lightblanco casi puro, butpero wheredonde Stormlightla hasluz atormentosa tiene un slightsutil bluetono tintazulado, Lifelightla hasluz ade slightvida greenlo onetiene verde. WhenCuando itssu illuminationluz isse split throughrefracta a prism,través itde producesun aprisma rainbowse withproduce aun arcoíris con una banda verde mayor largerque greenlas banddemás.{{book ref|sa4|65}} ItsSu rhythmritmo ises starkfuerte andy staccato,picado butsegún it buildsavanza. LifelightLa sharesluz Stormlight'sde effectvida oncomparte plantscon butla toluz atormentosa superiorsu degreeefecto en las plantas aunque en un grado superior, stimulatingestimulando su theircrecimiento growthcuando whense combinedcombina withcon theel properritmo rhythmapropiado.{{book ref|sa4|76}}
== HybridLuces Lightshíbridas ==
Además de las luces “puras” de Roshar, existen luces híbridas creadas a partir de la combinación de dos luces puras. Los métodos para crear estos híbridos varía ligeramente, pero en esencia se necesitan investiduras, tonos y ritmos apropiados.
In addition to the "pure" Lights of Roshar, there exist hybrids created by the union of any two pure Lights. The methods of creation of these hybrids vary slightly, but at their core is the need for the appropriate Investitures, tones, and rhythms.
=== TowerlightLuz de torre ===
Towerlight is the very substance of the spren known as the [[Sibling]], and as they are the child of Honor and Cultivation, so is Towerlight the product of the melding of these two Shards' Investitures, tones, and rhythms.{{book ref|sa4|69}}{{book ref|sa4|61}} It can only be created by the [[Sibling]] and their [[Bondsmith]], though the imprisonment of [[Ba-Ado-Mishram]] rendered them unable to produce more than small amounts - enough to power only the most essential of [[Urithiru]]'s [[fabrial]]s;{{book ref|sa4|69}} a deficiency that appears to have ended when [[Navani Kholin]] became the Sibling's current Bondsmith. A key factor in the creation of Towerlight is the Sibling's ability to hear both of their parents' songs - Cultivation's, which they could hear and sing on their own, and Honor's, which Navani had to provide for them.{{book ref|sa4|110}} Because of this, it is unclear whether the Sibling is truly "healed", or losing the bond - and Navani - would mean that they lose Towerlight once again.
In appearance, Towerlight resembles both Stormlight and Lifelight, as it glows with a soft blue-green light.{{book ref|sa4|61}} When split through a prism, it produces two rainbows of color, one with a wider blue band, and one with a wider green one.{{book ref|sa4|65}} Towerlight's rhythm - the Rhythm of the Tower - evokes the "boundless energy of Cultivation, always growing and changing, and the calm solidity of Honor - organized, structured."{{book ref|sa4|110}} The psychological effects of holding Towerlight are unknown.
=== WarlightLuz de guerra ===
Unlike Towerlight, which has been known to humans and singers alike for millennia (even if knowledge of it was largely lost on Roshar after the [[Recreance]]), Warlight - the hybrid Light of Honor and Odium - is a recent discovery, one that even renowned singer scholars like [[Raboniel]] thought an impossibility. During the occupation of Urithiru Navani discovers that a human and a singer (or at least she and Raboniel) can create Warlight by allowing Stormlight and Voidlight to combine inside a gem made to vibrate to the Rhythm of War - a rhythm created by the harmony of Navani singing Honor's song and Raboniel singing Odium's; a rhythm Raboniel didn't know existed prior to these events,{{book ref|sa4|76}} and whose emotional influence she notes will be of particular interest to [[El]].{{epigraph ref|sa4|59}} It is seemingly impossible to create without both a human and a singer.{{book ref|sa4|84}}
Warlight glows with a vibrant black-blue light, and its rhythm is a burst of chaotic notes, bounded by a regular, orderly pulse. When contained in a gemstone the Light can be seen oscillating between swirling like a raging storm and then falling into a peaceful calm.{{book ref|sa4|76}}
=== Odium &y CultivationCultivación ===
The existence of an Odium and Cultivation hybrid Light hasn't been confirmed, but [[Venli]] successfully attunes a rhythm of these two Shards, so a corresponding Light is likely.{{book ref|sa4|83}}
== Anti-LightsAntiluces ==
Physical matter is known to have a counterpart called [[Wikipedia: antimatter| antimatter]] - matter composed of antiparticles that share many properties with the particles of ordinary matter, but manifest some of them in an opposite way (e.g. a proton and an antiproton have the same mass, but opposite electric charges and magnetic moments). Raboniel describes this in terms of axi with opposite polarities.{{book ref|sa4|97}} A similar relationship exists between Investiture and anti-Investiture in the cosmere. Anti-Investiture - or, in Roshar's specific case, anti-Light - comes in a number of different varieties, each one of which shares some properties with its corresponding ordinary Light, while exhibiting other attributes in an opposite way. Most notably, a Light and its anti-Light that come in contact will naturally annihilate each other{{book ref|sa4|65}} - with the reaction seeming more violent when the two are brought together under pressure, such as within a gemstone.{{book ref|sa4|97}}
Much like each Light's natural vibration can be heard or felt by different species, anti-Light's can too, though its song is not just physically audible, it carries a magical effect too. For example, to a human the song of anti-Voidlight will sound identical to the song of Voidlight, Odium's tone moving to his rhythm, but to a Fused - whose soul is filled with Odium's own Investiture - the song of anti-Voidlight not only sounds different, it also causes intense pain, similar to the discomfort they feel when hearing Odium's opposite tone, but much worse.{{book ref|sa4|97}}
=== Anti-VoidlightAntiluz del vacío ===
Anti-Voidlight is the first anti-Light to be discovered on Roshar, initially discovered by King [[Gavilar Kholin]] not long before his death. His research into the Lights of Roshar and the ability to transport them between planets in the system allowed him to obtain a sphere of anti-Voidlight, which he gave to Szeth moments before dying. The sphere, and the anti-Voidlight within it, eventually lead [[Navani]] to also discover how to create anti-Light.
Anti-Voidlight glows faintly violet-black and appears to faintly warp the air around itself.{{book ref|sa4|16}} Its tone - and song - sound identical to those of Voidlight, but they induce an adverse reaction in the Fused, and presumably other creatures heavily Invested by Odium, such as Voidspren. When made to touch the soul of such creature, anti-Voidlight reacts violently with the Voidlight there, resulting in permanent death.{{book ref|sa4|97}}
=== Anti-StormlightAntiluz tormentosa ===
Anti-Stormlight was discovered by Raboniel shortly after Navani's own discovery of anti-Voidlight. In many ways, anti-Stormlight behaves symmetrically to anti-Voidlight - except where anti-Voidlight has a destructive effect on beings Invested by Odium, anti-Stormlight has that effect on ones Invested by Honor, such as Radiant spren.{{book ref|sa4|97}}{{book ref|sa4|104}}
=== OtherOtras anti-InvestitureInvestiduras ===
It is unknown whether hybrid Lights or Shards outside of the Rosharan system have anti-Investitures of their own. [[Khriss]] states that, though long theorized, the anti-Lights are her first evidence of an anti-Investiture.{{book ref|sa4|part=ars}}
== NotesNotas ==
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