Diferencia entre revisiones de «Yumi y el pintor de pesadillas»

sin resumen de edición
(Página creada por Jowfu el 21/03/2022 en la coppermind en inglés. Creado tal cual para luego proceder a su traducción)
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[[en:Yumi and the Nightmare Painter]]
'''''Yumi and the Nightmare Painter''''' ises theel titletítulo ofdel thetercero thirdde oflos theproyectos secretsecretos projects that areque beingserán releasedpublicados inen 2023., Itconcretamente willen bejulio, releasedcomo inparte July 2023 as part of ade [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dragonsteel/surprise-four-secret-novels-by-brandon-sandersonla campaña sorpresa de Kickstarter Campaignde Brandon de cuatro novelas secretas].{{ref|name=AnnouncementVideo}} ItSe trata de una novela isdentro adel cosmereCosmere novely setubicada onen aun newnuevo worldplaneta.{{wob ref|15415}}
On MarchEl 17, de marzo de 2022, Brandon releasedliberó thepara firstsu sevenlectura chapterslos primeros siete capítulos, alongademás withde someun briefbreve commentarycomentario al respecto, whichque se pueden leer (N.T. canen beinglés) readen [[bws:first-look-at-secret-project-3|onsu hispágina websiteweb]] andy listenedescuchar toen [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBUVXcIE0E0 onsu hiscanal YouTubede channelYouTube]. HeAdemás, alsoBrandon didrealizó auna fullsesión spoilerde Q&Apreguntas abouty theserespuestas, previewllena chaptersde '''spoilers''', whichsobre este adelanto canque betambién listenedpodéis toescuchar [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFGDcvtRdz0 onen hissu YouTubecanal channelde YouTube].
== SynopsisSinopsis ==
La historia se sitúa en dos localizaciones que no podrían ser más diferentes: la ciudad de Kilahito, ubicada en un mundo cubierto por una perpetua mortaja de oscuridad, y la tierra de Torio, donde el terreno es extremadamente caliente y la humanidad solo puede sobrevivir cerca de los géiseres.
The story is set in two vastly disparate locations -- the city of Kilahito, in a world covered by a perpetual shroud of darkness, and the land of Torio, where the ground is extremely hot and humanity can only survive around geysers. In Kilahito, Nikaro, or Painter, works a thankless job as a nightmare painter, capturing nightmares that slink out of the shroud into the city to feed on the fear of its people. In Torio, Yumi is a travelling yoki-hijo, a rare priestess able to summon and command spirits that serve various necessary functions for Torio's inhabitants. Painter is beginning to feel ennui, and slowly realizing he needs to improve himself; Yumi feels trapped between her yearning to be free and her sense of responsibility as a yoki-hijo.{{wob ref|15473}}
One day, Yumi is contacted by a spirit from deep below, who asks her to help free them. She agrees and collapses. Around the same time, Painter tracks down and scares away a particularly powerful nightmare before feeling extremely tired and falling asleep.{{wob ref|15473}} When the two wake up, they realize they are now bound together. In Torio, Painter appears to others as though he was Yumi, while she herself is a disembodied spirit visible only to him; in Kilahito, their situation is reversed. They now must work together to learn each other's jobs and figure out what happened to tie them like this -- and how to stop it.{{wob ref|15474}}
