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|related=[[ShardEsquirla]]s, [[InvestitureInvestidura]]
Los '''metales divinos''' son la manifestación física de la [[Investidura]] de una [[Esquirla]] de [[Adonalsium]].{{book ref|mb6|part=ars}}
'''God Metals''' are the solid manifestation of a [[Shard]] of [[Adonalsium]]'s [[Investiture]].{{book ref|mb6|part=ars}}
== CharacteristicsCaracterísticas &y Attributesatributos ==
Los metales divinos son metales formados directamente a partir de una [[Esquirla]] y cualquiera de ellas puede producirlos.{{wob ref|2530}} Crear un metal divino sin una Esquirla es extremadamente difícil, pero posible.{{wob ref|14137}} Pueden alearse con los metales inferiores para formar dieciséis metales diferentes cada uno, aunque pocos se conocen.{{wob ref|7624}} También pueden alearse entre ellos.{{wob ref|11949}} Más allá de tener propiedades [[alomancia|alománticas]], [[feruquimia|feruquímicas]] y [[hemalurgia|hemalúrgicas]], cada metal divino puede hacer también algo distinto.{{wob ref|6082}} La existencia de los metales divinos es una de las razones por las que el metal es tan extraño en el Cosmere.{{wob ref|15158}}
The God Metals are metals formed directly from a [[Shard]] and can be made from any Shard.{{wob ref|2530}} Creating a God Metal without a Shard is extremely difficult, but possible.{{wob ref|14137}} They can be alloyed with the lesser metals to form sixteen different metals each, though few are known.{{wob ref|7624}} They can also be alloyed with each other.{{wob ref|11949}} Besides having an Allomantic, a Feruchemical, and a Hemalurgic property, each God Metal can also do something else.{{wob ref|6082}}
Un nacido de la bruma puede quemar cualquier metal divino,{{wob ref|14753}} aunque hacerlo puede requerir una [[Conexión]] con la Esquirla del metal.{{wob ref|4205}} Algunos metales divinos pueden ser utilizados por cualquiera.
If a Shard is [[Splinter]]ed, God Metals that existed before will remain unaffected.{{wob ref|12055}} The Vessel of the Shard can slightly change the properties of its God Metal over time, but not the main functions of what it does.{{wob ref|2554}}
Si una Esquirla es [[astilla]]da, los metales divinos que existieran previamente se mantienen inalterados.{{wob ref|12055}} El Recipiente de la Esquirla puede cambiar ligeramente las propiedades de su metal divino con el tiempo, pero no la función principal que realiza.{{wob ref|2554}} La Ascensión de una nueva Esquirla no causará necesariamente que las propiedades del metal divino de la Esquirla cambien, aunque la gente podría empezar a llamar al metal con un nuevo nombre para reflejar a la nueva Esquirla.{{wob ref|14874}}
== Known God Metals ==
== Metales divinos conocidos ==
=== Lerasium ===
[[Lerasium]] is the God Metal corresponding to the Shard [[Preservation]]. A normal person burning lerasium becomes a [[Allomancy|Mistborn]] of undiluted power. A Misting or Mistborn burning lerasium drastically increases their powers.{{wob ref|10116}} [[Feruchemist]]s can use lerasium to store an unknown quality, and when used as a [[Hemalurgic]] spike, lerasium steals all abilities.{{file ref|Hemalurgy table.jpg|Hemalurgy Table}}
=== Lerasium ===
El [[lerasium]] es el metal divino correspondiente a la Esquirla [[Conservación]]. Una persona normal que queme lerasium se convierte en un [[alomancia|nacido de la bruma]] de poder puro. Un brumoso o nacido de la bruma que queme lerasium incrementa drásticamente sus poderes.{{wob ref|10116}} Los [[feruquimista]]s pueden utilizar lerasium para almacenar un atributo desconocido y cuando se emplea como clavo [[hemalúrgico]], el lerasium roba todas las habilidades.{{file ref|Hemalurgy table.jpg|Hemalurgy Table}}
=== Atium ===
El [[Atiumatium]] ises theel Godmetal Metaldivino correspondingcorrespondiente toa thela ShardEsquirla [[RuinRuina]]. AnUn Allomanceralomántico burningque queme atium ises ablecapaz tode seever intounos thepocos futuresegundos byen a fewel secondsfuturo. FeruchemistsLos canferuquimistas usepueden emplear atium topara storealmacenar youthfulness,juventud andy whencuando usedse asemplea acomo Hemalurgicclavo spikehemalúrgico, el atium stealspuede anyrobar propertycualquier orpropiedad powero poder.{{file ref|Hemalurgy table.jpg|Hemalurgy Table}}{{wob ref|14896}}
==== Malatium ====
[[Malatium]] ises anuna alloyaleación ofde atium andy [[goldoro]].{{book ref|mb3|part=ars}}{{wob ref|6086}} AnUn Allomanceralomántico burningque queme malatium is able to seees eithercapaz whode anotherver personquién wasfue inotra thepersona past,en orel whopasado theyo couldquién havepodría becomehaber ifsido theysi hadhubiera madetomado differentdiferentes choicesdecisiones.{{book ref|mb3|5}}
=== HarmoniumArmonium ===
[[Ettmetal|Harmonium]] is the God Metal corresponding to the Shard [[Harmony]]. Called "ettmetal" in their native tongue, the Southern Scadrians use it to power their technology. Harmonium burns "with a pure whiteness"{{book ref|mb6|22}} when used in Southern Scadrian machinery, and explodes when it is exposed to water (similar to the [[Wikipedia: Alkali metal|alkali metals]]) making it dangerous if not impossible to ingest for Allomantic purposes. Unlike alkali metal reactions, this reaction does not yield a "Harmonium oxide," but it will yield "something else relevant to the [[cosmere]]." Harmonium's atomic structure is that of a single element, rather than a compound or alloy.{{wob ref|1663}}
=== Raysium ===
[[Raysium]] is the God Metal of [[Odium]]. Raysium can naturally conduct Investiture, drawing it in from any source.{{book ref|sa4|84}}
[[Trellium]] is from a Shard currently known in the cosmere but which particular Shard is unknown.{{wob ref|6261}}{{wob ref|13226}} It is a silvery metal with a red cast to it, and dark red spots similar to rust.{{book ref|mb5|21}}{{book ref|mb5|epilogue}} Its Allomantic and Feruchemical properties are unknown. It can be used Hemalurgically to steal some, if not all, Allomantic and/or Feruchemical abilities and grant them to [[Kandra]].{{book ref|mb5|epilogue}} It can also be used on humans to create Hemalurgic constructs.{{book ref|mb5|21}}{{wob ref|6261}} Kandra and Hemalurgic constructs with a single spike of trellium will be hidden from Harmony.{{wob ref|6300}}
=== Shardblades and Shardplate ===
[[Shardblade]]s and [[Shardplate]] are both made out of a mixture of the unnamed God Metals of [[Honor]] and [[Cultivation]]. The precise proportion of the two differs depending on the type of [[spren]] that forms the Blade, or the order to which the Plate belongs; as such, there are at least ten alloys.{{wob ref|11211}}{{wob ref|11949}}{{wob ref|2541}} Like all God Metals, they are Allomantically viable, and thus burnable by a [[Allomancy|Mistborn]], although it's yet to be seen what the effects would be.{{wob ref|13315}} Presumably, they would also have Hemalurgic and Feruchemical effects.{{wob ref|6082}}
=== Honorblades ===
[[Honorblade]]s are made out of the unnamed God Metal of Honor.{{wob ref|13996}}
=== The Dor ===
The [[Dor]] is the remnant of [[Devotion]] and [[Dominion]]'s combined powers after the Shards themselves were Splintered.{{wob ref|2787}}{{wob ref|1533}} There is a God Metal that comes from the Dor.{{wob ref|13354}}
==Notes Trivia ==
* Striking a chime or bell made of a God Metal would not necessarily produce a similar note to that God Metal's corresponding [[Rhythm#The Pure Tones|Tone]].{{wob ref|15275}}
* Brandon has indicated that the atium present in [[Mistborn Era 1|''Mistborn'' Era 1]] is actually an alloy of atium and [[electrum]].{{wob ref|15299}}
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