Diferencia entre revisiones de «Elhokar Kholin»

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29 bytes añadidos ,  hace 11 años
Hid the part with "Shard given from Dalinar", because this isn't confirmed
(Added description of Sunraiser)
(Hid the part with "Shard given from Dalinar", because this isn't confirmed)
'''Elhokar Kholin''' was the king of [[Alethkar]].
He was a [[Shardbearer]].<!---, whose Shards were won for him by his uncle, [[Dalinar]].-that's not confirmed---> His [[Shardplate]] was painted gold and his [[Shardblade]] was called Sunraiser.
Despite his own uncertainty in his ability to rule, Elhokar was capable of making decisive action and manages to control the [[Highprince]]s, if just barely. He was also a capable warrior, despite being easily defeated by his uncle.


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