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== OfficialIlustraciones artworkoficiales ==
<gallery caption="Official artwork" mode="packed" heights=200px>
Dalinar Allen.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Alex Allen}}</small></center>The coverPortada ofde Graphicla Audio'ssegunda parte de ''[[TheEl Waycamino ofde Kingslos reyes]]'' partde 2Graphic Audio
WOKLB - Part2 End by Steve Argyle.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Steve Argyle}}</small></center> DefendingDefendiendo a [[Elhokar]], arte interior de la edición en piel de ''[[TheEl Waycamino ofde Kingslos reyes]]'' leatherbound interior art
WOKLB - Part4 End by Steve Argyle.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Steve Argyle}}</small></center> GivingRenunciando upa su hishoja Shardbladeesquirlada, arte interior de la edición en piel de ''[[TheEl Waycamino ofde Kingslos reyes]]'' leatherbound interior art
WOKLB - KS - Bondsmiths by Steve Argyle.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Steve Argyle}}</small></center> OnEn Bondsmithsel poster de Kickstarter posterde los Forjadores de Vínculos
Dalinar - IV. The Emperor .jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|taratjah}}</small></center> OnEn thela Tarotcarta carddel tarot '''TheEl EmperorEmperador'''
Dalinar_Flashback_Chapters.svg| <small><center>byde {{a|Isaac Stewart}}</center></small>SymbolSïmbolo fromde los capítulos de flashback de [[Dalinar]]'s flashback chapters
<gallery caption="InIlustraciones de las cartas de ''[[Call to Adventure: The Stormlight Archive]]'' card art" mode="packed" heights=200px>
Choose a Side.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|AnnDR}}</small></center> ''Choose a Side'' (En la visión que comparte con Vneli)
A Man's Worth by Randy Vargas.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Randy Vargas}}</small></center> ''A Man's Worth'' (Renunciando a Juramentada)
Child by Xabi Gazte.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Xabi Gazte}}</small></center> ''Child'' (Con Adolin en brazos)
True Love by Artur Mosca.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Artur Felipe Mósca}}</small></center> ''True Love'' (Boda con Navani)
Act of Mercy by Xabi Gaztelua.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Xabi Gazte}}</small></center> ''Act of Mercy'' (Enfrentándose a Tanalan)
Odium's Champion by Artem Demura.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Artem Demura}}</small></center> ''Odium's Champion'' (Visión de Dalinar como campeón de Odium)
== PortraitsRetratos ==
<gallery caption="Portraits" mode="packed" heights=200px>
Dalinar.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Exmakina}}</small></center>
DalinarPortrait.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Sheep}}</small></center>
OB - Flashback Gavilar Dalinar.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Botanicaxu}}</small></center>Young [[Gavilar]] andy Dalinar de jóvenes
Dalinar young.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Sheep}}</small></center>Dalinar andy [[Evi]]
DalinarSmall.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Sheep}}</small></center>InDe uniformuniforme
Dalinar fullbody.png | <center><small>byde {{a|Exmakina}}</small></center>
Kholins-antti.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Antti Hakosaari}}</small></center>WithCon [[Navani]]
Dalinar Kholin by Michelle Tolo.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Michelle Tolo}}</small></center>
Adolin, Dalinar and Renarin by Tara Spruit.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|taratjah}}</small></center> WithCon [[Adolin]] andy [[Renarin]]
Dalinar Framed Portrait by Grant Hansen.png | <center><small>byde {{a|Grant Hansen}}</small></center> FramedRetrato portraitenmarcado
Dalinar Portrait by Grant Hansen.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Grant Hansen}}</small></center>
Dalinar by Gama.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Gama}}</small></center>
Dalinar by Linnéa Sandberg.png| <center><small>byde {{a|Linnéa Sandberg}}</small></center>
Dalinar by Esther Schrader.jpg| <center><small>byde {{a|Esther Schrader}}</small></center>
Dalinar by Dwayne Wingert.jpg| <center><small>byde {{a|Dwayne Wingert}}</small></center>
Dalinar by Marianne Eie.jpg| <center><small>byde {{a|Marianne Eie}}</small></center>
Dalinar by HW Lee.jpg| <center><small>byde {{a|HW Lee}}</small></center>
Full body Dalinar by HW Lee.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|HW Lee}}</small></center>
Dalinar Portrait by Marie Seeberger.jpg| <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center>
Dalinar and Navani by Marie Seeberger.jpg| <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> WithCon [[Navani]]
Dalinar and Navani by Linnéa Sandberg.png| <center><small>byde {{a|Linnéa Sandberg}}</small></center> WithCon [[Navani]]
Young Dalinar Portrait by Nat Rodgers.jpg| <center><small>byde {{a|Nat Rodgers}}</small></center> Young Dalinar de joven
The Blackthorn by Harry Shea-Pelletier.jpg| <center><small>byde {{a|Harry Shea-Pelletier}}</small></center> TheEl BlackthornEspina Negra
Dalinar and Evi 2 by Botanicaxu.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|botanicaxu}}</small></center> Dalinar andy [[Evi]]
Dalinar and Evi by Botanicaxu.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|botanicaxu}}</small></center> Young Dalinar andy [[Evi]] de jóvenes
Dalinar family BBQ Shapez reddit.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|BBQShapez}}</small></center> WithCon [[Evi]] andy theirsus sonshijos
Blackthorn by Caio Santos.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Caio Santos}}</small></center> InEn [[Shardplatearmadura esquirlada]] at theen [[Shatteredlas Llanuras PlainsQuebradas]]
Dalinar by Caio Santos.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Caio Santos}}</small></center> RidingCabalgando toa la batalla a battlelomos astridede [[GallantGalante]]
Dalinar Shuravf.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Shuravf}}</small></center>
Blackthorn by Petar Penev.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Petar Penev}}</small></center> AsComo theel BlackthornEspina Negra
Blackthorn by ToastSamurai.png | <center><small>byde {{a|ToastSamurai}}</small></center> AsComo theel BlackthornEspina Negra
Dalinar and Gallant by Rachel J. Corey.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Rachel J Corey}}</small></center> RidingMontando a [[GallantGalante]]
Dalinar in Plate by Esther Schrader.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Esther Schrader}}</small></center> WithCon [[Shardplatearmadura esquirlada|Platearmadura]] andy [[Shardbladehoja esquirlada|Bladehoja]] esquirladas
Dalinar Uniformby Esther Schrader.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Esther Schrader}}</small></center>
Dalinar by Elisgardor.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Elisgardor}}</small></center>
Young Dalinar by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> AsComo aun younghombre manjoven
Dalinar book botanicaxu.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|botanicaxu}}</center></small> HoldingSosteniendo ''[[TheEl Waycamino ofde Kingslos reyes (in-world)|TheEl camino Wayde oflos Kingsreyes]]''
Oathbringer by Dejan Delic.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Dejan Delic}}</small></center> SummoningInvocando a [[OathbringerJuramentada (Shardbladehoja esquirlada)|OathbringerJuramentada]]
Gallant and Dalinar by Dejan Delic.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Dejan Delic}}</small></center> RidingCabalgando en [[GallantGalante]]
The Blackthorn by Oliwia 'Sfaira' Białek.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Oliwia 'Sfaira' Białek}}</center></small>WearingVistiendo [[Shardplatearmadura esquirlada]]
== ScenesEscenas ==
<gallery caption="Scenes" mode="packed" heights=200px>
The Blackthorn by jurassicpencil.jpg| <center><small>byde {{a|mushimallo}}</small></center> Young Dalinar asde joven como el theEspina BlackthornNegra
The Blackthorn by Hirgonn.jpg| <center><small>byde {{a|Hirgonn}}</small></center> TheEl BlackthornEspina Negra
Diplomacy by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> AtEn theel feastbanquete withcon hissu familyfamilia andy thela de [[Sadeas]]es
Young Dalinar by Elisgardor.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Elisgardor}}</small></center> Dalinar de joven en Young Dalinar at the [[highstorm]] feast
Dalinar Adolin botanicaxu.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|botanicaxu}}</center></small> Holding [[Adolin]] for the first time
Meet Adolin by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Meeting baby [[Adolin]]
Dalinar_Ambush_LGD.png|<center><small>byde {{a|LittleGreyDragon}}</small></center> Dalinar filled with the [[Thrill]] after being ambushed by [[Tanalan]]'s men
Small Bottle by ToastSamurai.png | <center><small>byde {{a|ToastSamurai}}</small></center> Speaking with young [[Renarin]] about [[Evi]]
The Other Son by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> With young [[Renarin]]
Their Farewell by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> At Gavilar's funeral with [[Jasnah]]
Entering the Valley by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Travelling to the [[Valley]]
The Valley by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Entering the [[Valley]]
Seeking Forgiveness by Jordi Rapture.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Jordi Rapture}}</small></center> Visiting the [[Nightwatcher]]
Nightwatcher by EccoS.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|EccoS}}</small></center> Facing the Nightwatcher
What is your boon by Dejan Delic.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Dejan Delic}}</small></center> Visiting the [[Nightwatcher]] and [[Cultivation]]
Highprince and Sons by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> With his sons at the [[chasmfiend]] hunt
Hunting the Chasmfiend by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Racing [[Elhokar]]
Saving Elhokar by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Saving [[Elhokar]]
Dalinar the Blackthorn.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Evan Monteiro}}</small></center>Fighting a [[chasmfiend]] during a hunt
Ten Heartbeats by Dejan Delic.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Dejan Delic}}</small></center>Fighting a [[chasmfiend]]
Lighteyes Party by Oliwia 'Sfaira' Białek.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Oliwia 'Sfaira' Białek}}</center></small>At a feast
Dalinar by Grant Hansen.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Grant Hansen}}</small></center> Riding into battle
Dalinar Digging by Botanicaxu.jpeg| <small><center>byde {{a|botanicaxu}}</center></small>Dalinar digging a ditch with a Shardhammer
Dalinar visions.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Sheep}}</small></center>Dalinar and Navani in a [[highstorm]]
16 Seconds pre-death by Petar Penev.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Petar Penev}}</center></small>Preparing for the [[Battle of the Tower]]
Oathbringer by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Giving up his [[Shardblade]]
Men of Honor by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Hiring [[Kaladin]]
Teamfight by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Rescued from the Assassin in White
Spectacle of the Feast by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Speaking at a feast
Bondsmith Oath by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Bonding the [[Stormfather]]
A Radiant with No Shards by Jordi Rapture.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Jordi Rapture}}</center></small> Bonding the [[Stormfather]]
Dalinar Bondsmith.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Connor Chamberlain}}</small></center>[[Bondsmith]]
First Kiss by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> First kiss with [[Navani]]
Rider of Storms.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Connor Chamberlain}}</small></center> At his wedding with [[Navani]] and the [[Stormfather]]
Dalinar and the Stormfather by Elisgardor.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Elisgardor}}</center></small>Speaking to the [[Stormfather]]
Odium's Champion by Cara Stratton.jpg| <center><small>byde {{a|Cara Stratton}}</small></center> Dalinar's vision of himself as [[Odium]]'s champion
Diplomat by LaMaery.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Riding through [[Thaylen City]] with [[Navani]]
Diplomat 2 by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Riding through Thaylen City
Communion of Snacks by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Meeting [[Lift]] in [[Azimir]]
Renarin's Vision by horizonproblems.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|horizonproblems}}</center></small> As [[Odium]]'s champion in [[Renarin]]'s vision
Pain by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Feeling the pain of his past
Taking Stock by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Confronting the [[Voidbringers]] at the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]]
Dalinar by Ralf Melevo.jpg| <center><small>byde {{a|Ralf Melevo}}</small></center> Refusing to be [[Odium]]'s champion
Dalinar vs The Blackthorn.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Petar Penev}}</small></center> Remembering [[Evi]] and what he did to [[Rathalas]]
Dalinar realms.jpg | <small><center>byde {{a|Jemma M. Young}}</center></small> Summoning [[Honor's Perpendicularity]]
Gloryspren by EccoS.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|EccoS}}</small></center> Right before opening [[Honor's Perpendicularity]]
Dalinar by horizonproblems.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|horizonproblems}}</small></center> Joining the [[Realmatic Theory|Three Realms]]
I am Unity.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Wanda Sonnemann}}</small></center> Summoning [[Honor's Perpendicularity]]
Dalinar Perpendicularity.png|<center><small>byde {{a|Rixt Heerschop}}</small></center> Dalinar summoning Honor's Perpendicularity in Thaylen City
Thrill.png | <center><small>byde {{a|Ashley Coad}}</small></center>Confronting [[Nergaoul]]
Dalinar and the Thrill.jpg| <small><center>byde {{a|Petar Penev}}</center></small>Confronting the [[Thrill]]
Dalinar by ToastSamurai.png | <center><small>byde {{a|ToastSamurai}}</small></center> Within [[Nergaoul]]'s mists
Inspiration by botanicaxu.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|botanicaxu}}</small></center> Writing ''[[Oathbringer (in-world)|Oathbringer]]'', inspired by [[Nohadon]]
Fourth Bridge by Esther Shrader.jpg | <center><small>byde {{a|Esther Schrader}}</small></center> On the ''[[Fourth Bridge]]''
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