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m (→‎Notable Lightspren: use the word Reacher)
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In Shadesmar, Reachers appear human and can have features similar to different Rosharan populations, though they have metallic bronze skin, making them look like living statues.{{book ref|sa3|99}} They have bronze metal eyes with holes where the pupils would be.{{book ref|sa3|101}} Their hair is similarly metallic bronze; the Reachers pin them into buns and ponytails.{{file ref|Captain Ico.png|Captain Ico sketch}}{{book ref|sa3|102}} Unlike [[honorspren]] or [[Cryptic]]s, Reachers don't seem to have clothes as part of their essence; instead, they wear human-like clothing of earthy, tan colors, with numerous buttoned pockets. They seem to prefer going barefoot.{{book ref|sa3|99}}
In the [[Physical Realm]], lightspren appear as a ball of light, small enough to hide in a palm of a hand. When they move, they trail around a glowing streak, making them look like a comet.{{book ref|sa3|i|3}} The light can grow stronger or fainter, seemingly depending on the spren's mood.{{book ref|sa3|i|11}} Lightspren seem to be a little more tangible than their kinsmen when in the Physical Realm -- wind pushes them, they are warm, and feel somewhat like silk to touch.{{book ref|sa3|109}} They can communicate through pulsing to [[singer]] Rhythms, as well as [[Regal]] rhythms,{{cite}}<!--there's a Venli chapter where she's doubting herself and then Timbre pulses to Conceit--> which produces bursts of light, as well as audible vibrations.{{book ref|sa3|109}}{{book ref|sa3|115}} For a singer, those vibrations appear to carry more meaning than simple mood, including more abstract concepts like familial relations and high numbers.{{book ref|sa3|121}}
Reachers are not known for being overly talkative to others.{{book ref|sa3|99}}


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