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Hershel refuses to share the story of how he lost his leg with any other Reckoners until they guess it.{{book ref|lux|1}} In the end, it is [[Languish]] who correctly guesses that Hershel got trapped and cut it off himself.{{book ref|lux|46}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
== History ==
Hershel ran, but a chunk of debris hit him in the head, knocking him out. When he awoke, everything around him had been turned to steel by Jackson’s powers. Hershel was trapped, his leg encased in steel up to his leg. Knowing he had to make it to the extraction point but completely trapped, Hershel used his belt as a tourniquet and cut off his own leg with his knife.{{book ref|lux|47}} He passed out, and was later rescued by a helicopter flying over the area.{{book ref|lux|48}}
=== Galveston ===
Hershel has been in the Texas Reckoners cell for a while, and is their demolitions expert. He participated in the trap in [[Galveston]], and was assigned the task of firing rockets at Ravens as well as using explosives to crack Lux in half. When Jax disobeyed orders and improvised, Hershel piloted several drones to get him close to Wingflare and later to help him escape. Afterwards, when Briggen is injured, Hershel was the one to tend to his wounds.{{book ref|Lux|2}}{{book ref|lux|15}}


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