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(added RoW Fourth Bridge and Ishar expedition summaries, and added "quartermaster" and "short hair" to his description via RoW explanations)
'''Leyten''' is a [[Windrunner]] and member of [[Bridge Four]] on the planet [[Roshar]]. He is the quartermaster of the Windrunners under [[Kaladin Stormblessed]], and as such is responsible for keeping them supplied with uniforms and other items.{{book ref|sa4|1178}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Leyten is thick-bodied and has an oval-shaped face.{{book ref|sa3|37}}{{book ref|sa1|63}} He is tall, stout, and has light, short curly hair.{{book ref|sa1|14}} {{book ref|sa4|1168111}} He has an affable nature, finding it easy to talk to people no matter their rank.{{book ref|sa3|28}}
== History ==
Leyten went on a mission to [[Akinah]]. He reported a strange weather pattern around the island as well as swarms of strange small shadows (later discovered to be [[Sleepless|hordelings]] that had bred with [[larkin]]) hovering in the clouds, but was unsure if they were alive or were spren. One came from behind and drained him of his Stormlight. He subsequently fell in the ocean and had to be rescued by [[Lyn]] and [[Sigzil]].{{book ref|sa3.5|2}}{{book ref|sa3.5|3}}{{book ref|sa3.5|11}}
He also accompanies the [[Fourth Bridge]] on its expedition to [[Hearthstone]], defending the Fourth Bridge against the Fused assault there along with a dozen other Windrunners. Later, he goes with [[Dalinar Kholin]] on his voyage to find [[Ishar]], and finds that he and the other four Windrunners are no match for Ishar's power as Ishar tethers all five to the stone with a "glowing rope that drained the Stormlight out." {{book ref|sa4|1157111}}
== Trivia ==
