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The Taishin are composed of the following people:{{book ref|ws1|6}}
* The '''Lord Mastrell'''
* The '''Lady Judge'''
* The '''Lord Artisan'''
* The '''Lord Mason'''
Though [[Nilto]] is referred to as the "'''Lord Beggar'''", he is not an official member of the Taishin; but is as influential as any of the other Taishin even though he has no vote.{{book ref|ws1|2}}
== The Lord Mastrell ==
The Lord Mastrell is the Taisha in charge of the [[Diem]] and its [[sand mastery|sand masters]]. The current Lord Mastrell is [[Kenton]]. It appears that in the absence of a Lord Mastrell, the position defaults to the most senior Mastrell in the Diem.{{book ref|ws1|4}} The Lord Mastrell's approval is required forbefore a sand master can advance to every rank in the Diem besides the first.{{book ref|ws1|1}}
=== History ===
When Lord Mastrell Praxton died at the hands of [[Kerztian]] assassins along with most of the Diem, the other Taishin voted to Disband the Diem. Kenton arrived in middle of the council's meeting and interrupted, demanding that the vote be declared void, saying that he, the default acting Lord Mastrell, wasn't given enough notice before the vote. The Lady Judge reluctantly agreed that Kenton has a valid point. She said that he is indeed the acting Lord Mastrell and that he had two weeks to convince all of the Taishin to vote for the Diem.
Kenton also had a rival for the position, [[Drile]], who was a much more powerful sand master than Kenton was. Kenton challenged Drile to a duel to settle their disagreement. Drile accepted on the condition that the duel would take place before the council made their decision. [[Elorin]], in a plot to ensure that the Diem would have a weak leader, poisoned the water Drile drank before the duel with [[KaDo]], which causedallowed Kenton to defeat the more powerful Drile. Kenton asked the Lady Judge for the Taishin to vote on the spot, in the Diem, and she agreed. The Taishin all voted for the retention of the Diem, and Heelis ratified Kenton as the official Lord Mastrell. Afterwards Kenton realized that something was wrong with Drile during thetheir duel and confronted Elorin. Elorin confessed, and in the ensuing fight Kenton killed him. Afterwards Kenton, with Drile at his side, leadled the Diem in a new direction, different from how it was led in the past.{{book ref|ws3|6}}
== The Lady Judge ==
== The Lord Farmer ==
The Lord Farmer is the Taisha in charge of the [[Field]]. The current Lord Farmer is [[Gennel]]. He resides at the Farmers Congress. He leads the farming industry of Lossand and oversees farming quotas.{{book ref|ws1|6}} He votes in favor of the Diem in the final vote of the Taishin without explaining why he changed his mind. However, it is implied that he always listens to and follows Vey,{{book ref|ws3|3}} and that this is why he voted for the Diem.{{book ref|ws3|3}}
== The Lord Artisan ==
{{White Sand}}
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