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→‎Bondsmith Spren: americanizing :)
(Combing so that this paragraph makes more sense as to why it is on this page (making it more related to the Sibling etc). The information about Navani doesn't need to be repeated here and is at the top of the page.)
m (→‎Bondsmith Spren: americanizing :))
===Bondsmith Spren===
{{for|Order of Bondsmiths#Sibling Bondsmith Abilities|3=Order of Bondsmiths}}
WhilstWhile the Nightwatcher and the Stormfather are known to be connected to [[Cultivation]] and [[Honor]] respectively, the Sibling is the child of both [[Honor]] and [[Cultivation]], created specifically to oppose [[Odium]].{{book ref|sa3|42}} The Stormfather considers all three of them to be "siblings", and the fact that they are the only three spren that can bond with Bondsmiths{{book ref|sa3|64}} indicates that they share some characteristics.
====Nahel Bond====
The Sibling is one of the three great [[Bondsmith]] spren. Forming a [[Nahel bond]] with them grants one the power over the [[Surge]]s of [[Tension]] and [[Adhesion]].{{file ref|TWoK Front Endsheet.jpg|Surgebinding Chart}} While a Bondsmith can use Adhesion the way a [[Windrunner]] would,{{book ref|sa3|28}} they can also apply their powers in different manner, using them more in the [[Spiritual Realm|Spiritual]]. Using Spiritual Adhesion, a Bondsmith can form a connection between themselves and another person, allowing them to speak their language.{{book ref|sa3|65}} They also seem capable of hearing the spiritual aspects of objects, and useusing this to mend broken things back whole.{{book ref|sa3|59}} Navani Kholin is able to assist the Sibling in once again making [[Towerlight]] in large enough quantities to fully restore the functioning of Urithiru.


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