Diferencia entre revisiones de «Navani Kholin»

86 bytes añadidos ,  hace 3 años
Mentioned her bond in the starting paragraph, as it's mentioned later.
(updated with information from row)
(Mentioned her bond in the starting paragraph, as it's mentioned later.)
'''Navani Kholin''' is an [[Alethi]] [[lighteyes]] living on [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa1|22}} She is a member of the [[Order of Bondsmiths]], bonded to the [[Sibling]].{{book ref|sa4|110}} She is the widow of [[Gavilar Kholin]] and the mother of [[Jasnah]] and [[Elhokar Kholin]].{{book ref|sa1|12}} She was the sister-in-law to [[Dalinar Kholin]]{{book ref|sa1|Prologue}} and aunt to [[Adolin]] and [[Renarin Kholin]]{{book ref|sa1|12}} until she was married to Dalinar.{{book ref|sa3|4}} She is also a renowned scholar and [[artifabrian]].{{book ref|sa1|12}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
=== Surgebinding ===
At the end of the siege of [[Urithiru]], Navani forms a [[Nahel bond]] with the [[Sibling]], becoming a [[Knight Radiant]] of the [[Order of Bondsmiths]]. This grants her the ability to bind the [[Surges]] of Tension and Adhesion. As of the end of the book, sheShe has sworn only the First Ideal.{{book ref|sa4|110}}
By working in conjuction with the Sibling, Navani can generate vast quantities of [[Towerlight]], enough to fully power the city-fabrial of [[Urithiru]]. She is also able to control and intuitively understand the functioning of Urithiru and its constituent fabrials.
== History ==
