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* '''Full Lashing''': This ability creates an extremely powerful temporary bond between two objects. To use this ability, the Surgebinder infuses a surface with Stormlight, after which any object or person that comes in contact with the surface will be bound to it. Full Lashing does not necessarily require skin contact; surfaces can be infused by "spraying" the Stormlight onto them.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} Most objects would break apart themselves before the bond holding them would.{{book ref|sa2|part=ars}} The duration of this bond is determined by the amount of Stormlight infused. The bond ends when the Stormlight runs out. Someone wearing [[Shardplate]] is immune to Lashings, but any objects that they are touching can be affected.{{book ref|twok|i|9}} The bond also attracts [[bindspren]].{{book ref|sa2|12}}
* '''Spiritual Adhesion''': Using the Surge of Adhesion to manipulate spiritual, rather than purely physical forces, a [[Bondsmith]] can touch another person and forge a spiritual [[Connection]] between them. This allows the Bondsmith to temporarily speak the other person's native tongue.{{book ref|sa3|65}} Whether the Bondsmith must remain physically close to this other person for the ability to be continually used is unknown. It lasts for longer than a few hours, but shorter than a few days.{{wob ref|9340}} The Surge can be used for other types of Connection as well, with known uses being Connecting a Radiant to the ground and causing their Stormlight to drain into it as if it were their body, seeing the past and the Connections of a given person, and even (with the Bondsmith Honorblade) stealing a Nahel bond.{{book ref|sa4|111}}{{book ref|sa4|47}}
* ''Other Connection Abilities'': The Surge can be used for other types of Connection as well, with known uses being Connecting a Radiant to the ground and causing their Stormlight to drain into it as if it were their body, seeing the past and the Connections of a given person, and even (with the Bondsmith Honorblade) stealing a Nahel bond.{{book ref|sa4|111}}{{book ref|sa4|47}} It is unclear if these abilities extend to Bondsmith's in general or are inherently related to the Herald Ishar.
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