Diferencia entre revisiones de «Vorinismo»

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Ardents are responsible for the spiritual well-beings of their masters, and often tend to various rites and rituals in their stead, so as to allow the [[lighteyes]] to go on with their lives unburdened.{{book ref|sa2|i|12}} For the [[darkeyes]], ardents provide advice in pursuing their Calling, as well as education -- the Right to Learn means that any person who asks for it must be taught by the ardents. For this reason, most major temples have ardents specializing in most common skills, from fighting to writing.{{book ref|sa2|64}} This also means that they are allowed to wield [[Shardblade]]s, as they must be capable of teaching the lighteyes how to use them.{{book ref|sa2|18}}
They are the only people allowed to speak Almighty's tenth name, ''Elithanathile'', or He Who Transforms.{{book ref|sa1|7}} However, it seems that this isn't considered to be too important of a rule, as [[Navani Kholin]], a devout Vorin, commonly uses it as an exclamation of shock or awe.
=== Soulcasting ===
