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m (Added an apostrophe.)
After the [[Final Empire]], Terris and nobles began to interbreed, so it became possible for their descendants to have one Allomantic ability and one [[Feruchemy|Feruchemical]] ability. People with such powers were called '''[[Twinborn]]'''. Like Mistings, Twinborn were each given a name depending on their specific combination of abilities.{{book ref|mb4|1}} The interaction between the two abilities creates a new, secondary effect, known as a [[Resonance]].{{book ref|mb5|part=ars}}
A special type of Twinborn is a '''[[Compounding|Compounder]]''' -- a Twinborn who has the same metal for both their Allomantic and Feruchemical abilities. A Compounder can Allomantically burn their Feruchemically charged metalmind, gaining a massive burst of the stored Feruchemical attribute. Compounders were considered immensely powerful. Though the term "Compounding" first appeared in Scadrian vocabulary ''after'' the Final Empire, perhaps the most famous Compounder was the [[Lord Ruler]] himself -- by constantly Compounding wasatium, onepewter, reasonand gold, he was soeternally young, supernaturally strong, and basically unkillable.
== Allomantic Metals ==


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