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|nation=Final Empire
|books=[[Mistborn Era 1]]
'''Vetitan''' is a small town in the [[Southern Dominance]] of [[Scadrial]].{{book ref|mb3|1}} It holdsis the fourthlocation of one of the [[Lord Ruler]]'s [[storage cavern]]s.{{book ref|mb3|5}}
== Geography ==
ItVetitan lies in the Southern Dominance of the [[Final Empire]], reasonably close to [[Garthwood]].{{book ref|mb3|1}} It is not far from the [[Central Dominance]].{{book ref|mb3|63}}
With about seven thousand people living there, Vetitan is fairly large for a farming community that's slightly more urban than a plantation, which likely is because of the ore mines nearby. Most houses are one-story buildings.{{book ref|mb3|1}}
With abouta sevenpopulation thousandof peoplearound livingseven therethousand, Vetitan is fairly large for a farming community. that'sMost slightlyhouses are one-story buildings, but it is more urban than a plantation,.{{book whichref|mb3|1}} likelyThe is becausepresence of thenearby ore minesdeposits nearby.make Mostit housesboth area one-storyfarming buildingsand mining town.{{book ref|mb3|163}}
It lies in the Southern Dominance, reasonably close to [[Garthwood]].{{book ref|mb3|1}}
There is a lord's manor at the center of the town built with wood and fine stone. There are [[Steel Ministry]] offices in a tall, imposing building.{{book ref|mb3|1}} The Ministry building contains a trapdoor to a cellar that hides the entrance to a storage cache behind a stone wall, accessible only by [[Allomancer]]s.{{book ref|mb3|5}}
== History ==
===Fatren's Administration===
Vetitan used to be ruled by some local lords and [[Steel Ministry]] offices, but after the Collapse [[Fatren]] convinced the [[skaa]] to go ahead with their planting, he came in charge of the town and surprisingly kept it safe from gangs with an effective working population. They trained an army of a thousand soldiers, and at the suggestion of Fatren's brother [[Druffel]] they built an earthen fortification around the entire town with real city gates. Their mines were mostly abandoned, however.{{book ref|mb3|1}}
Vetitan was once ruled by some local lords and the Steel Ministry. After the [[Collapse]], the lords and their [[obligator]]s abandoned the city, perhaps intending to return at a later date.{{book ref|mb3|1}}{{book ref|mb3|5}} However, their soldiers eventually left to join other armies when the lords did not return, and a [[skaa]] named [[Fatren]] stepped into a leadership role. He convinced his fellow residents to go ahead with their plantings to produce crops, which he used as bribes to prevent the citizens from being drafted into any of several nearby armies. Instead, he trained a garrison of a thousand soldiers largely made up of former mineworkers, along with another thousand unskilled reserves.{{book ref|mb3|1}}
Fatren competently ran the city, but he came under increasing pressure as the [[mist]]s were getting denser, making agriculture more difficult. The city ran low on resources, and he wondered if he should have kept the mines operating, although he concluded that the ore would not have done him much good. He also worried about [[koloss]]; they had recently destroyed the nearby city of Garthwood, and fewer than a hundred survivors escaped to Vetitan. At the suggestion of Fatren's brother [[Druffel]], they built an earthen fortification around the town with real city gates. The garrison was able to fight off bandits, but Fatren knew his defenses would be inadequate if a koloss army attacked.{{book ref|mb3|1}}
When Garthwood was attacked by a [[koloss]] army, the fewer than a hundred survivors escaped to Vetitan.{{book ref|mb3|1}}
===Koloss Attack===
Three months laterafter Garthwood was razed, theFatren's samefears were realized as ten thousand koloss armywere foundmaking itstheir way to Vetitan. Emperor [[Elend Venture]] arrived there just in time to teach Vetitan's armygarrison ofhow to fight the koloss. Emperor Venture demanded fealty from Fatren, offering him a thousandtitle soldiersin andreturn; anotherFatren thousandgenerally armeddid civiliansnot howtrust to[[noble]]s, fightbut thesaw kolossthat Elend was a remarkable leader and eventually agreed.{{book ref|mb3|1}} TheyElend chargedled anda attackedcharge theto tenattack thousandthe koloss while they were still setting up their camp, taking down several hundred of them in the surprise. The soldiersVetitan garrison was inspired by Elend, and kept fighting until [[Vin]] arrived at the battle and killed the [[Inquisitor]] who controlled the koloss using emotional Allomancy. This allowed Elend to take control of all of the koloss instead, ending the battle.{{book ref|mb3|3}} He assigned some of the koloss to obey Fatren.{{book ref|mb3|5}}
===Storage Cache and Evacuation===
In return for his help, Emperor Venture demanded leadership of Vetitan, to which Fatren eventually agreed. After a brief visit to the [[storage cache]], and learning that the last cache is hidden in [[Fadrex City]], Elend and Vin escorted the evacuation of Vetitan because it would soon be consumed by the [[Deepness]].{{book ref|mb3|5}}
|Be careful what you speak. It can hear what you say. It can read what you write. Only your thoughts are safe.
|The inscription in the Vetitan storage cavern{{book ref|mb3|5}}
Vin and Elend knew there was a storage cache in the city, and quickly located it. The cache contained a large amount of supplies, including food, water, and the first eight Allomantic metals.{{book ref|mb3|5}}{{book ref|mb3|12}} The inscription in the cavern included details about [[malatium]] and the use of emotional Allomancy on koloss and [[kandra]]. Elend already had some of this information, but was heartened by the thought that the [[Lord Ruler]] would not have maintained the caverns if he did not think the [[Deepness]] could be stopped. The pair then learned that the last cache was hidden in [[Fadrex City]].{{book ref|mb3|5}}
OnceElend then grudgingly began the evacuation of the people of Vetitan arrivedto at[[Luthadel]]. Elend'sHe mainwas armyglad they had become independent, Elendbut sentthe Fatrentown andwas outside of his peopledefensive perimeter and would eventually succumb to the Deepness even if it were not attacked.{{book ref|mb3|5}}{{book ref|mb3|8}} Some of the skaa were killed by the [[Luthadelmist]]s during the journey, wherebut theyElend had no other options. The residents would workbe employed as farmers in the fieldscity, butand the soldiers were allowed to join the army if they wished. AWhen forcethe ofgroup reached [[Demoux]]'s camp, Elend ordered him to send five hundred soldiers was sent back to Vetitan, with the task of transferring the remaining supplies in the storage cache to theirLuthadel on barges and send these to Luthadel.{{book ref|mb3|8}}
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers


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