Diferencia entre revisiones de «Essu»

17 bytes añadidos ,  hace 3 años
+wob to confirm authenticity of Raboniel's grief
m (comma)
m (+wob to confirm authenticity of Raboniel's grief)
On Roshar, Essu was in the care of her mother and joined her when she led the singer invasion of Urithiru. After Raboniel captured Navani and put her to work researching [[Lights]], Essu was often in the room. She did not pose a danger to Navani, who was mostly confused by her presence.{{book ref|sa4|49}}{{book ref|sa4|61}} Raboniel later revealed to Navani that Essu was her daughter.{{book ref|sa4|65}}
Essu suffered minor injuries when Raboniel caused an explosion by attempting to mix [[Voidlight]] and [[Anti-Voidlight]] using a [[raysium]] dagger. Essu did not seem to notice the explosion. Raboniel immediately constructed another dagger and used Anti-Voidlight to permanently kill Essu; her death was quick, but painful. As Raboniel wept over Essu's corpse, Navani realized that one of Raboniel's primary motivations for her research was to discover a way to free her daughter from the endless cycle of rebirth.{{book ref|sa4|97}}{{wob ref|14628}} Raboniel confirmed that Essu was permanently gone, having consulted with the souls on [[Braize]].{{book ref|sa4|97}}{{book ref|sa4|113}}
After her death, Essu's body was burned and the ashes were returned to the family of the singer that she inhabited.{{book ref|sa4|97}}
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