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== Mechanics ==
| Allomancy, obviously, is of Preservation. The rational mind will see this. For, in the case of Allomancy, net power is gained. It is provided by an external source--Preservation's own body.
| [[Harmony]] on Allomancy{{epigraph ref|mb3|32}}
{{image|Mistborn by Manuel Castanon.jpg|[[Vin]] pushing on coins with the Allomantic power of [[steel]]|side=right|width=250px}}
Allomancy is an End-Positive magic system, which draws on the power of Preservation, channeled through a metal when it is burned. This differs to how Feruchemy works, as Allomancy is not being powered by the body of the Allomancer, but instead by an external force.{{book ref|mb4|part=ars}} Like the other Metallic Arts, Allomancy as a magic system formed through the natural interactions between the two Shards that inhabit Scadrial, Preservation and Ruin, and the planet itself, instead of being created by a specific Shard.{{wob ref|5269}} This magic system, however, is generally tailored and fuelled by Preservation,{{epigraph ref|mb3|32}} although specific cases will involve an Allomancer drawing upon Ruin's essence instead.{{epigraph ref|mb3|78}} Like other forms of Investiture, Allomancy does not necessarily reflect the intent of the Shard which it is associated with.{{wob ref|4032}}
Allomantic metals are the [[focus]], but not the source, of Allomancy's power.{{wob ref|7708}} When an Allomancer burns a metal, that metal's specific molecular structure acts as a conduit to Preservation, and then the Allomancer is granted an ability corresponding to the metal, allowing the metal to "focus" Preservation's power to the user. Each metal is the only way a mortal can access Preservation and the power of creation,{{wob ref|6072}} after which it is vaporized.{{wob ref|10097}} However, this is only true for the base sixteen Allomantic metals and not godGod metalsMetals or their alloys.
Allomancers feel a reserve of power in their stomach when they have ingested a metal they can burn. The metals are usually ingested by drinking specifically prepared metal vials, which contain metal flakes suspended in an alcohol solution or other such liquid, e.g. cod oil. While swallowing metal is the most common way of getting metal into the body, other ways such as injecting or snorting will also work.{{wob ref|13947}} When using their powers, many Allomancers describe a warm feeling in the stomach, hence the term "burning metal". An Allomancer can also burn their metals at an accelerated rate, which is called "flaring." Flaring grants more power, but the reserve of metals depletes much faster, too.{{book ref|mb1|7}} Allomancers can burn metals from any [[Shardworld]].{{wob ref|12692}}
In addition to Pulling and Pushing classifications, there are external and internal metals. External powers influence things outside an Allomancer's body, while internal powers influence the Allomancer. This naturally divides the sixteen Allomantic metals into four groups of four metals each: physical, mental, temporal, and enhancement powers. Each quadrant has a metal and alloy pair of an external power, and another pair of internal powers.
God metalsMetals do not fit in the modern Allomantic Table, and Scadrians appear to only know of the metals that correspond to the Scadrian Shards; [[lerasium]], [[atium]], and [[ettmetal]]. Unlike the standard Allomantic metals, which are regular metal elements and compounds, godGod metalsMetals are a condensed, solid form of pure Investiture. Alloys of godGod metalsMetals can lead to additional abilities.{{book ref|mb4|part=ars}}
Mistborn can only burn the godGod metalsMetals to which their Investiture is tied.{{wob ref|4205}} Therefore, it is likely that they can only burn lerasium, atium, and, theoretically, [[harmonium]].
The Allomantic effects of metals are most similar to the effects of [[fabrial]]s on [[Roshar]].
== History ==
At some point, Preservation altered Allomancy to insert Ruin's godGod metalMetal, atium, instead of one of the other metals{{wob ref|5971}}{{wob ref|2524}} in order to execute his plan to defeat Ruin using atium Mistings.{{wob ref|8063}} The Shard's plan eventually came to fruition during the [[Battle of Hathsin]] when Elend's army consumed a large proportion of the existing atium, preventing Ruin from accessing his full power.
Prior to the Ascension of the Lord Ruler, Allomancy was rarely found among the general population. The Lord Ruler's Ascension, and his subsequent distribution of the lerasium beads, increased the strength of the Allomantic spiritual DNA in the Final Empire, which had long lasting effects through the subsequent generations. Rashek, and his Steel Ministry, also suppressed knowledge of several of the Allomantic metals, so that only the four physical, four mental, gold, and atium, were known of by the general populace. Malatium became known through legend as ''The Eleventh Metal'', a rumor that may have been started by Ruin to help facilitate the downfall of the Lord Ruler. Prior to its destruction, atium and malatium were incorrectly classified as temporal metals instead of godGod metalsMetals by The Lord Ruler and his government.
Following the Final Ascension, [[Harmony]] altered Snapping to act differently.{{wob ref|4242}}{{wob ref|6888}} The Allomantic Table also changed at this time to remove Ruin's metals, with advances in technology also making [[cadmium]], [[bendalloy]], [[chromium]], and [[nicrosil]] more available.


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