Diferencia entre revisiones de «Berila»

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Beryl then became an apprentice in the [[Unseen Court]], where she was trained to use her powers and fight. Beryl was one of the five Lightweavers brought on the mission to capture [[Ialai Sadeas]] in the warcamps.{{book ref|sa4|20}}
Beryl showed great interest in being one of the three Lightweaver apprentices to go on the mission to Lasting Integrity when Shallan told her and the rest of the Unseen Court. However, Shallan chose to bring Vathah, [[Ishnah]], and [[Stargyle]] instead of Beryl. {{book ref|sa4|20}} Then right before the party was set to leave [[Urithiru]] Stargyle’s wife became ill and he backed out of the trip, letting Beryl take his place on the expedition into [[Shadesmar]]. {{book ref|sa4|21}} During the trip there Shallan temporarily believed Beryl was the spy for [[Mraize]] and the [[Ghostbloods]], particularly after she feeds her a tidbit about a corrupted gloryspren and Mraize repeats it.{{book ref|sa4|30}}
After [[Adolin]], Shallan, and [[Pattern]] were let into Lasting Integrity, Beryl and everyone else except [[Godeke]], [[Felt]], and his wife [[Malli]] left for the [[Oathgate]] to tell [[Dalinar]] what had happened.{{book ref|sa4|75}}
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