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As part of Vathah's group, Shob accompanied Shallan to the Shattered Plains. His past crimes were pardoned{{book ref|sa2|38}} and he was housed in the [[Sebarial]] warcamp.{{book ref|sa2|42}} He presumably participated in the [[Battle of Narak]] and the move to [[Urithiru]]. In Urithiru, Shob was one of twelve former deserters (of the original group of around twenty-five){{book ref|sa2|20}} that was still alive and loyal to Shallan.{{book ref|sa3|27}} He remained employed as one of Shallan's guards, although she rarely had anything for them to do.{{book ref|sa3|21}}
Unlike his friends Red, Gaz, and Vathah, Shob was not chosen to train in spycraft with Ishnah.{{book ref|sa3|44}} Most of the former deserters became [[Order of Lightweavers|Lightweaver]] squires and members of the [[Unseen Court]],{{book ref|sa4|20}} but it is not clear if Shob was among them.
== Notes ==


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