Diferencia entre revisiones de «Amark»

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57 bytes añadidos ,  hace 3 años
tense, minor fixes
m (added profession and nationality tags)
(tense, minor fixes)
|profession=Miner, {{cat tag|Bridgemen|Bridgeman}}
|groups={{tag|Bridge Four}}, {{tag+|army|Sadeas}}
|died={{Rosharan date|1173|missing-date=y}}{{book ref|sa1|30}}
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Amark''' is a [[Bavland]]er and a member of [[Bridge Four]] on [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa1|30}}
==Appearance and Personality==
Amark lived in the town of [[Ironsway]] in Bavland and presumably worked as a miner alongside [[Ton (Veden)|Ton]]. He and Ton aredrank seen drinkingtogether in a run-down tavern with other miners, listening to [[Took]] tell fictionalized stories about his life and showing off his [[Truthless]], Szeth. When Took commandedordered Szeth to cut himself, Amark protested, and became even more upset when Took told Szeth to slit his own throat.{{book ref|sa1|i|3}}
HeDuring becomesthe [[War of Reckoning]], he became a bridgeman for [[Torol Sadeas]]'s inarmy on the [[Shattered Plains]] under unknown circumstances, and he iswas assigned to [[Bridge Four]]. Once [[Kaladin]] makesmade the decision to save Bridge Four, andhe drastically reducesreduced the casualties that they suffersuffered on bridge runs, but they still loselost Amark and [[Koolf]].{{book ref|sa1|30}} Kaladin later thinksthought of Amark and other people that he was unable to save after [[Maps]] iswas killed.{{book ref|sa1|57}}
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers


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