Diferencia entre revisiones de «Rlain»

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{{image|Renarin and Rlain by rspixart.jpg|side=right|width=250px|Rlain and [[Renarin]]}}
After joining Bridge Four, Renarin realized that Rlain was often an outcast within their number due to his nature and history. He made an extra effort to include Rlain and make him one of their number in truth.{{book ref|sa3|37}}{{book ref|sa3|55}} Eventually, when [[Sja-Anat]] asked Renarin for any potential candidates for bonds, Renarin immediately thought of Rlain. On Renarin's recommendation and on recognition of Rlain's efforts as the Bridger of Minds, the corrupted spren [[Tumi]] bonded Rlain.{{book ref|sa4|114}} [[Renarin]] has romantic feelings towards Rlain.{{wob ref|14549}} Rlain possibly has romantic feelings towards Renarin, and is almost certainly gayqueer, as when he took mateform once, he said that it didn't turn out how anyone had expected.
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