Diferencia entre revisiones de «Hobart»

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[[Allrianne Cett]] encountersencountered Hobart's gang after she leavesleft [[Luthadel]] alone and travelstraveled west in search of [[Ashweather Cett|her father]]'s army.{{book ref|mb2|49}}{{book ref|mb2|50}} Somewhere along her route, Hobart and his gang chargecharged down a hillside intending to rob and rape her, but she takestook control of their emotions using her [[Rioter|Rioting]] abilities.{{book ref|mb2|50}} Allrianne iswas actually happy to see bandits that she cancould easily Riot because she knowsknew they willwould provide her with shelter and an escort.{{book ref|mb2|50}} Allrianne usesused her abilities to appeal to Hobart's desire for money, making him believe that her father willwould reward the bandits handsomely if they helphelped her find his army, and Hobart suddenly takestook on a "gentlemanly" demeanor.{{book ref|mb2|50}}
Hobart's gang helpshelped Allrianne locate the army, as she had originally headed in the wrong direction.{{book ref|mb2|50}} Upon their arrival, she again usesused Allomancy to smooth over an awkward encounter with Cett's guards, telling them to provide the bandits with food and lodging.{{book ref|mb2|50}} Ashweather notesnoted that this iswas not the first time Allrianne hashad used bandits as a personal retinue.{{book ref|mb2|50}} Allrianne tellstold him that some gold and prostitutes arewere all it would take to hire Hobart's crew as mercenaries who could help defend the army's supply lines.{{book ref|mb2|50}}
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers
