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→‎History: links, tense, American spelling, etc
m (Text replacement - " Fourth Bridge" to " ''Fourth Bridge''")
m (→‎History: links, tense, American spelling, etc)
== History ==
Brightlord [[Roshone]] took over management of the town several months after the death of Brightlord [[Wistiow]]. Roshone resented being relocated from [[Kholinar]] to Hearthstone, treating the townsfolk with distaindisdain and contempt.{{book ref|sa1|25}}{{book ref|sa1|31}} He had a particular dislike tofor Kaladin's father, [[Lirin]], whom he clashed with from the moment he was relocated to the town.{{book ref|sa1|25}} After settling in the town, Roshone began making life hard for Lirin and his family, suggesting that he did not deserve the town's donations for his work and fuellingfueling the rumors surrounding Lirin's inheritance of Wistiow's wealth.{{book ref|sa1|31}}
The townspeople reacted to Roshone with a mixture of fear and awe, resulting in them often trying to appease him.{{book ref|sa1|31}} An arranged marriage between Roshone's son, [[Rillir]], and Wistiow's orphaned daughter, [[Laral]], was initially proposed,;{{book ref|sa3|7}} however, Rillir was killed by a [[whitespine]] before the finalisationfinalization of their union.{{book ref|sa1|41}} Roshone was injured in the same hunt which claimed the life of his son, losing onethe lower part of his legsright leg.{{book ref|sa1|41}}{{book ref|sa3|6}} The townspeople becomebecame more cautious around Roshone after his son's death, wary to provoke a negative response from the Brightlordbrightlord.{{book ref|sa1|44}} Unwilling to lose the chance to access Laral's wealth, Roshone married the young woman in the place of his son.{{book ref|sa1|44}}
When Brightlord [[Amaram]]'s army passespassed through Hearthstone to recruit soldier'ssoldiers, Roshone asked for volunteers and then forcibly conscriptsconscripted other eligible citizens, including [[Tien]], son of Lirin.{{book ref|sa1|44}} In the hopes of protecting his brother, Kaladin also joined the army, despite his immunity to the draft due to his position as surgeon's assistant.{{book ref|sa1|44}} The feud between Lirin and Roshone settlessettled to a degree after the departure of Lirin's sons.{{book ref|sa3|6}}
After the town was largely destroyed by the first [[Everstorm]], the townsfolk relocaterelocated to Laral and Roshone's mansion.{{book ref|sa3|6}} Kaladin findsfound the townsfolk, including his family, gathered here after he returnsreturned home, following the [[Battle of Narak]]. Kaladin's return caused quite a stir amongstamong the villagers, due to a combination of his slave markings, his possession of a [[Shardblade]], and his position as a [[Knight Radiant]].{{book ref|sa3|6}}{{book ref|sa3|7}} After gaining information regarding the whereabouts of the townstown's missing [[parshmen]], Kaladin departed the town, which he left in the care of Roshone and Laral.{{book ref|sa3|7}} Kaladin's parents, as well as his infant brother, [[Oroden]], also remained behind in Hearthstone when Kaladin departed.{{book ref|sa3|7}}
Within one year of the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]], Hearthstone was occupied by the [[Fused]]. [[Abiajan]] became the citylady of Hearthstone. During this time, Hearthstone acted as a refugee camp for those fleeing the war in [[Herdaz]]. [[Laral]] conspired with [[Lirin]] to protect the [[Herdazian]] Generalgeneral known as Thethe [[Mink]], who was posing as a refugee. The plan iswas interrupted as [[Lezian]] arrivesarrived. [[Kaladin]] iswas shortly revealed to be amongstamong the line of arriving refugees, instigating a duel.{{book ref|sa4|1}} After defeating Lezian, Kaladin returnsreturned to Hearthstone and confrontsconfronted the remaining [[Singerssingers]], killing one before the rest retreated. The ''[[Fourth Bridge]]'' arrived to evacuate the citizens of Hearthstone, along with the refugees.{{book ref|sa4|2}} A battle between the [[Fused]] and [[Radiant]]s broke out. During the battle, the ''shanay-im'' took the opportunity to observe the ''Fourth Bridge'' but largely avoided the civilians. Laral's home (the citylord's manor) iswas burned by [[Lezian]], who took several townspeople captive to draw Kaladin's attention. Kaladin killed Lezian while his surges were being suppressed by a [[fabrial]].,{{book ref|sa4|7}} but Laral's husband [[Roshone]] iswas also killed by [[Vyre]] within the manor.{{book ref|sa4|8}}
All but 15fifteen townsfolk were evacuated from Hearthstone to [[Urithiru]] via the ''[[Fourth Bridge]]''.,{{book ref|sa4|6}} where the former residents of Hearthstone settled into a neighborhood on the sixth floor.{{book ref|sa4|18}}{{book ref|sa4|43}} Under [[Jasnah]]'s new inheritance laws, [[Laral]] gained the title of citylady.{{book ref|sa4|18}}


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