Diferencia entre revisiones de «Thaub»

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99 bytes añadidos ,  hace 3 años
+trivia, review
(+trivia, review)
|books=[[The Reckoners]]
The '''The Thaub''' is ana minor [[Epic]] who iswas killed in [[Ildithia]] during [[Prof]]'s fight with [[Tavi]]. The Thaub and [[Inshallah]] were both Epics from Bahrain that had linguistic abilities,. The Thaub was specificallyable to speak in any made-up language that anyone anywhere had ever imagined. They originate from Bahrain, along with [[Inshallah]], another linguistic Epic.{{book ref|calamity|36}}
*A [[Wikipedia:thawb|thawb]] is a type of garment worn in some Arab countries, including Bahrain.
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers


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