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(RoW through ch 27)
(finished RoW update)
'''Falilar''' is an [[ardent]] who serves as an engineer working under [[Navani Kholin]]'s direction in [[Urithiru]] on [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa4|19}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Falilar is an elderly man with a shaved head and a squared white beard.{{book ref|sa2|35}}{{book ref|sa4|3}} He obtains a sense of security from worrying a lot and tends to tug on his beard while he frets.{{book ref|sa4|6}} He also gets excited when running an experiment.{{book ref|sa4|28}}
== History ==
=== Ardent and Artifabrian ===
Brightlady [[Navani Kholin]] was the patron of Falilar's studies in engineering and [[fabrial]]s. He was present on the [[Shattered Plains]] atfor Navani'sher test of the floating parapet that was made with the use of reverser fabrials, where he observed a wobble in the parapet's ascent and was concerned by the fact that its motion was not smoother.{{book ref|sa2|35}} After the move to [[Urithiru]], Navani sketched some new inventions, and one of her scribes suggested showing them to Falilar for him to verify the feasibility of such engineering.{{book ref|sa3|50}}
When [[Rysn]] undertook her [[Expedition to Akinah]], [[Huio]] stumbled across a previously undiscovered application of [[aluminum]]: using it in fabrials with conjoined rubies to cause them to ignore certain directions of movement.{{book ref|sa3.5|9}} After the discovery was reported back to Urithiru, Falilar made a breakthrough involving fabrial cages that allowed the [[artifabrians]] to isolate planes of motion. This in turn led to the successful design of the [[Fourth Bridge]] and other, smaller, inventions.{{book ref|sa4|19}}
When one of Navani's scribes discovered a hidden room off of the atrium, a [[Stoneward]] shaped the rock into an opening and Falilar came to measure the room. He noted to Navani that the room they were in was reproduced on the scale model they had discovered there, positing that that room and the others they had discovered with no apparent entrance actually had doors that could open and close; when the tower was abandoned, the rooms whose doors had been shut at the time remained sealed off. This idea was backed up by the gemstone they had discovered in the stone of the doorway. Falilar volunteered to examine both the gemstone and the scale model before asking her to drop in on Tomor if she had time.{{book ref|sa4|27}}
=== The Sibling and the Invasion ===
As Navani left, however, [[Isabi]] brought her the blinking [[spanreed]] that the [[Sibling]] was using to contact her. Falilar and a host of other scholars set the spanreed up on a table. Falilar directed Isabi to set up the scale they had designed to measure the decay in the fabrial. When he indicated that they were ready, Navani engaged the spanreed and the scholars began taking measurements. Falilar reported to Navani that whoever was using the paired spanreed was inside the tower and suggested that they move to a second location to gather data for triangulation, so they quickly packed it up, set up again on the plateau in front of Urithiru, and measured again. Navani then got the idea of "losing" the spanreed to force the other party's hand; Falilar was dismayed to see her kick it over the edge of the plateau but readily received instructions to assemble a team to search for it.{{book ref|sa4|28}} Falilar and his team tracked down the location of the one contacting Navani to a dark area on the fourth floor near the [[Devotary of Mercy]] using the gathered data, but they never located anything or anyone there.{{book ref|sa4|37}}
During the occupation of Urithiru by the [[Fused]], Navani made the decision to continue her research, which included that of all of the scholars she funded, under [[Raboniel]]'s observation. She stopped by the library where her teams had all been confined and spoke briefly with Falilar, who told her of the casualties in the crystal pillar room.{{book ref|sa4|46}} As they continued their work, Falilar was among the few scholars important enough to be personally escorted when they left the library room.{{book ref|sa4|61}}
== Notes ==
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