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== Chapter 1 ==
[[File: Chapter-icon.svg|125px|center]]
Chapter and part names and numbering should be consistent with those given in the book (for an extreme example, see [[Summary:The_Shattered_Lens]]). A more moderate example is Stormlight books, which have a chapter number followed by a name, as follows: <code><nowiki>Chapter 1: Stormblessed</nowiki></code>.
=== Chapter icon ===
If a book includes chapter icons, each chapter's summary should include the correct icon. This is done as follows:
<pre>[[File: Chapter-icon.svg|125px|center]]</pre>
This centers the icon and makes it the appropriate size.
=== Epigraph ===
If a chapter has multiple point of view characters, each section of the chapter with a new point of view should be indicated like so:
<pre>'''Character's name'''</pre>
This results in a bolded character name. Be sure to put empty lines between this name and the paragraphs above and below it, in order for it to show up on its own line. This shouldn't be linked.
=== Annotations and Publicly Available Chapters ===
If an annotation exists for the chapter, it should be linked beneath the plot summary as such:
<pre>*[[bws: link-to-page]]</pre>
Annotations done on reddit should be linked to the arcanum entry instead of to reddit, while annotations done on Brandon's website should link to his website.
Also include a link to the chapter's text, if available, on Brandon's website.
* A series template such as {{t|Stormlight}}
* The correct series category and numbering, such as <code><nowiki>[[Category: Stormlight Archive|+1]]</nowiki></code> or <code><nowiki>[[Category: Stormlight Archive|+sa2.5]]</nowiki></code>
When should chapter icons be included? For example, tWoK has chapter icons for each part, while RoW does not. The Rithmatist has no chapter icons anywhere, despite the icons existing and being uploaded.
How to include annotations? Sample chapters? Should the annotations link to reddit and Brandon's website, where they were originally hosted, or to arcanum?
Should PoV characters be included even if there is only one in the chapter? In the entire book?
tWoK uses bolded, non-indented time markers whereas more recent books use italicized, indented ones.
How to deal with the first time marker in tWoK? Unlike most, which are attached to chapters, its attached to "Book One of the Stormlight Archive".
Policy on whether links should be made in PoV indicators or should instead be relegated to the body of the text.


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