Diferencia entre revisiones de «Ayuda:Summaries»

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== Chapter Two ==
Chapter and part names and numbering should be consistent with thatthose given in the book (for an extreme example, see [[Summary:The_Shattered_Lens]]).
=== Epigraph ===
=== Plot summary ===
Begin with <code><nowiki>;Plot Summary</nowiki></code> and then summarize the plot. This forms the bulk of the page.
If the chapter begins with a time marker, include it as follows:
<pre>:''X years ago''</pre>
If a chapter has multiple point of view characters, each section of the chapter with a new point of view should be indicated like so:
<pre>'''Character's name'''</pre>
== Outro ==
A page should end with the following elements, under <code><nowiki>== Notes ==</nowiki></code>:
* {{t|summaries}}, with the parameter correctly indicating article status
* A series template such as {{t|Stormlight}}
* The correct series category and numbering, such as <code><nowiki>[[Category: Stormlight Archive|+1]]</nowiki></code> or <code><nowiki>[[Category: Stormlight Archive|+sa2.5]]</nowiki></code>
When should chapter icons be included?
Should every book have character lists?
