Diferencia entre revisiones de «Dalinar Kholin/Galería»

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Young Dalinar by Elisgardor.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Elisgardor}}</small></center> Young Dalinar at the [[highstorm]] feast
Dalinar_Ambush_LGD.png|<center><small>by {{a|LittleGreyDragon}}</small></center> Dalinar filled with the [[Thrill]] after being ambushed by [[Tanalan]]'s men
Dalinar the Blackthorn.jpg | <center><small>by [[Evan Monteiro]]</small></center>Fighting a [[chasmfiend]] during a hunt
Small Bottle by ToastSamurai.png | <center><small>by {{a|ToastSamurai}}</small></center> Speaking with young [[Renarin]] about [[Evi]]
Seeking Forgiveness by Jordi Rapture.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Jordi Rapture}}</small></center> Visiting the [[Nightwatcher]]
Nightwatcher by EccoS.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|EccoS}}</small></center> Facing the Nightwatcher
Highprince and Sons by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> With his sons at the [[chasmfiend]] hunt
Hunting the Chasmfiend by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Racing [[Elhokar]]
Saving Elhokar by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Saving [[Elhokar]]
Dalinar the Blackthorn.jpg | <center><small>by [[Evan Monteiro]]</small></center>Fighting a [[chasmfiend]] during a hunt
Dalinar by Grant Hansen.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Grant Hansen}}</small></center> Riding into battle
Dalinar visions.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Sheep}}</small></center>Dalinar and Navani in a [[highstorm]]
Oathbringer by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Giving up his [[Shardblade]]
Men of Honor by Marie Seeberger.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> Hiring [[Kaladin]]
Dalinar Bondsmith.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Connor Chamberlain}}</small></center>[[Bondsmith]]
Odium's Champion by Cara Stratton.jpg| <center><small>by {{a|Cara Stratton}}</small></center> Dalinar's vision of himself as [[Odium]]'s champion
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