Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Debarra/Sons of Honour»

At some stage the Envisagers formed as a splinter group of the Sons of Honour.{{wob ref|14534}}
The Sons of Honor existed before [[Gavilar Kholin]] joined their organization, but he helped to greatly expand their numbers and influence. Notably, he was the one who recruited Amaram to join them.{{book ref|sa3|40}} The majority of recruits joined due to religious belief but some leaders of the group, such as Gavilar, had different motives and plans and primarily used the Sons of Honour to further his own goals.{{book ref|sa4|7}}{{book ref|sa4|4}} Restares responded favourably to Gavilars plans and worked to help him despite knowing that it would return the desolations.{{book ref|sa4|82}} TheOn the night of Gavilar's death, hemeetings thoughtwhere Restaresheld mightbetween havehim beenand responsible,other thoughmembers previouslyof hethe hadSons neverof thought that Restares would assassinate himHonour.{{book ref|sa1sa2|prologue}}{{book Inref|sa3|prologue}} truth,Gavilar thesuspected Sonsthat ofthe Honor'sGhostbloods plansmay tohave returnbeen behind the [[Fused]]assassination andthough starthe aalso Desolationconsidered ledRestares tomight thehave [[listeners]]been havingresponsible, himpreviously killedhe had never thought that Restares would assassinate him.{{book ref|sa3sa1|prologue}}
AlthoughAfter hethe wasdeath of Gavilar Restares and Amaram made more frequent contact with each other. After the death of Gavilar it appears Amaram had replaced the role of him.{{book ref|sa4|4}} He ultimately served and followed the orders of Restares however. Although reluctant at first, Restares convinced Amaram to take the shards [[Kaladin]] won and kill any witnesses, though he enslaved Kaladin as a sign of his thanks instead.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} Amaram's trip to the [[Shattered Plains]] had to do with investigating the listeners and their connection to the Voidbringers.{{book ref|sa2|52}} After the [[Battle of Narak]], Amaram sent word to Restares that the Sons of Honor were successful, though in truth they had no part in starting the [[True Desolation]]. Amaram recognized that [[Taln]] was not a madman and removed him from his cell in Dalinar's temple.{{book ref|sa2|88}} At this time the Ghostbloods attempted an assassination attempt on Amaram's life.{{book ref|sa2|88}}
[[Odium]] used Amaram's beliefs and the truth about the [[Heralds]] to convince him to join Odium's forces.{{book ref|sa3|120}} After the battle of Thaylen Field Ialai became the leader of the Sons of Honour, due to the death of Gavilar and the actions of Amaram however there was little she could do to recover the former power of the Sons of Honour.{{book ref|sa4|4}} The remaining members of the Sons of Homour command were assassinated.{{book ref|sa4|7}} IyaltiIalai spent the year trying to make contact with Restares again but was unsuccessful.{{book ref|sa4|13}} Mraize believed the Sons of Honour destroyed by this stage and gave Shallan a mission to locate Restares.{{book ref|sa4|13}}
== Relationships ==
