Diferencia entre revisiones de «La Corte Inadvertida»

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(Updates through RoW 20)
=== Mission to [[Shadesmar]] ===
The [[coalition of monarchs]] decided to send a group to [[Lasting Integrity]] to recruit [[Honorspren]] to their cause.{{book ref|sa4|19}} [[Shallan]] was asked to recruit 3 [[Lightweavers]] to join the mission to soulcast food and water. [[Shallan]] selected [[Ishnah]], [[Vathah]], and [[Stargyle]], as they had shown the most interest and were most likely the [[Ghostblood]] spy.{{book ref|sa4|20}} At the last minute, [[Stargyle]]'s wife became sick and [[Beryl]] was added as a replacement.{{book ref|sa4|21}}
== Notable Members ==


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