Diferencia entre revisiones de «Discusión:Conservación»

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You might be correct (I admittedly haven't read Mistborn Era 1 in quite a while); in fact, looking at Fedik's page, you most likely are. If you want to change it into something less confident, go ahead! - [[User:Rasarr|Rasarr]] ([[User talk:Rasarr|talk]]) 18:17, 24 October 2020 (UTC)
== Rhythm, post RoW ==
In rereading SH after RoW, it seems that Preservation has a Rhythm/Frequency a la Odium, Cultivation, and Honor. I believe there's a WoB saying that all shards have a rhythm.
Should we edit the Shard pages to include descriptions of the four rhythms we know in the sidebar?


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