Diferencia entre revisiones de «Shallan Davar»

(made minor fixes to some of the text, restored OB update tags since her history is not complete yet, and added images to spaces that I thought should have them)
Shallan was provided a simple room within Jasnah's quarters in the Kharbranthian Conclave. She was given admittance to the Palanaeum and trained to use the library's ubiquitous filing system. Shallan greatly enjoyed her new position as Jasnah's ward, dividing her work between her own education, assistance with Jasnah's research, and occasionally some cherished time for her personal interests. Though her education sometimes proved to be a tedious endeavour, Shallan found the new lifestyle to be a refreshing experience. While she expected her her wardship to be one of dull memorization and busywork, instead she found interest in her studies and encouragement from Jasnah. The newfound freedom was a treasure and her self-confidence grew tremendously.{{book ref|sa1|29}}{{book ref|sa1|33}}
{{image|Kharbranth characters.jpg|width=350px|side=leftright|Jasnah, Shallan, Kabsal, and Taravangian}}
After her father had placed tight restrictions on what and whom Shallan was allowed to sketch, she now relished the opportunity to draw anyone who would permit it. Shallan's talent quickly became the talk of the Conclave, and as word spread, even King Taravangian himself came to request a portrait from the young artist. While sketching the king, she accidentally added the forms of two Cryptics standing behind the man. Not understanding the significance of what she had drawn, Shallan claimed she had made a mistake and started the sketch anew. This surprised Jasnah, who had never known Shallan to make such mistakes in their time together. Though Jasnah herself did not show much interest in Shallan's artistic ability, she did see some value in it. On one occasion, she had Shallan copy the purported image of a "[[Voidbringer]]" while corresponding with [[Dalinar]].{{book ref|sa1|28}}{{book ref|sa1|29}}
