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When Odium Splintered Devotion and Dominion, he trapped their power in the [[Cognitive Realm]] to prevent them from gaining another Vessel. Since, unlike in the [[Spiritual Realm]], space is limited in the Cognitive Realm, theThe power of the two Shards is thus trapped together as a giant, polarized, storm of [[Investiture]], known as the [[Dor]], which makes the Cognitive Realm around Sel very dangerous.{{wob ref|2546}}{{au ref|Sel}} This has a profound effect on the magic systems on Sel, in two main ways. First, since the powers are trapped together, all magic systems are influenced in some way by both Shards.{{wob ref|9830}} Second, and perhaps more importantly, because location exists in the Cognitive Realm, magic is tied to the user's physical location.{{wob ref|1625}}{{au ref|Sel}} This is seen most dramatically with [[AonDor]], as the strength of Aons diminishes as one gets farther from [[Elantris]].{{book ref|Elantris|62}} Furthermore, in order to access a magic system, it appears one must be from the land associated with that magic system.{{wob ref|2173}} For likely the same reason, shapes used in accessing magic on Sel are often tied to the lands associated with that magic.{{book ref|Elantris|49}}{{tes ref|30}}
Since the powers are trapped together, all magic systems are influenced in some way by both Shards.{{wob ref|9830}} Perhaps more importantly, because location exists in the Cognitive Realm, magic is tied to the user's physical location.{{wob ref|1625}}{{au ref|Sel}} In order to access a magic system, it appears one must be from the land associated with that magic system.{{wob ref|2173}} All the magic systems of Sel share reliance on shape; specific shapes, based on the home lands of the magic systems, are used to access the Dor and thus perform magical effects.{{book ref|Elantris|49}}{{tes ref|30}}
Magic systems fuelled by the Dor include [[AonDor]] (from [[Arelon]]), [[ChayShan]] (from [[JinDo]]), [[Dakhor]] (from [[Fjordell]]), [[Forgery]] (from [[MaiPon]]) and [[Bloodsealing]] (from [[Dzhamar]]). The power of them grows weaker the further one is from the "home ground" of the magic system.{{book ref|Elantris|62}} However, they still have considerable range -- for example, Forgery and Bloodsealing are usable throughout the entire [[Rose Empire]] rather than only in their home regions of it.{{tes ref|30}}
=== Skaze ===
The [[skaze]] are [[splinter]]s of Dominion, and consider him as something of a god or parent.{{wob ref|4547}}{{wob ref|3024}} They are something of an inverse of the [[seon]]s, and assume similar shape and size -- round, about as large as a melon. Unlike seons, however, they are all black, seeming to suck light from their surroundings rather than emitting it. They also lack an [[Aon]] in their center; rather, they are ringed by a pattern of misty symbols. They are reliant on humans, though it's unclear precisely how.{{book ref|elantris|part=postscript}}
The skaze are Splinters of Dominion,{{wob ref|5540}}{{wob ref|4547}} and have at least some sense that they came from something larger and how they were created, which causes them to consider Dominion as something of a god or parent.{{wob ref|3024}}
Skaze are power-hungry and controlling. They maintain a heavy level of influence over the politics of [[Fjordell]], and were at least partially involved in the plan to wipe out [[Elantris]].{{wob ref|6167}}{{book ref|elantris|62}} The exact powers they possess is unknown.
=== Other ===
Dominion's Investiture also seems to be allowing [[Wyrn (title)|Wyrn]] [[Wulfden the Fourth]] some ability to see the future.{{wob ref|4682}}
== History ==
Editors, Keepers


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