Diferencia entre revisiones de «Dalinar Kholin/Galería»

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Odium's Champion by Cara Stratton.jpg| <center><small>by {{a|Cara Stratton}}</small></center> Dalinar's vision of himself as [[Odium]]'s champion
Dalinar by Ralf Melevo.jpg| <center><small>by {{a|Ralf Melevo}}</small></center> Refusing to be [[Odium]]'s champion
Gloryspren by EccoS.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|EccoS}}</small></center> Right before opening [[Honor's Perpendicularity]]
Dalinar by horizonproblems.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|horizonproblems}}</small></center> Joining the [[Realmatic Theory|Three Realms]]
I am Unity.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Wanda Sonnemann}}</small></center> Summoning [[Honor's Perpendicularity]]
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