Diferencia entre revisiones de «Teft»

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→‎Windrunner: added caption to image
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m (→‎Windrunner: added caption to image)
=== Windrunner ===
{{image|Teft’s Weakness.jpg|width=250px|side=right|Teft mossing}}
Teft continued to disappear from time to time without explanation of where he was going, though the other members of Bridge Four figured out about his addiction anyway.{{book ref|sa3|35}} Teft was driven to give in to his craving more and more the more money he earned from Dalinar. He at some point spoke the first two [[Order of Windrunners#Ideals of the Windrunners|oaths]] of a Windrunner, hoping it would take away his addiction, but quickly realized that it would not; because of his deep-rooted shame, he then hoped to drive away his spren.{{book ref|sa3|41}} After he missed the first training session when Kaladin borrowed the royal emerald reserve{{book ref|sa3|37}} because he had binged on firemoss the night before, Kaladin and Rock found him in a moss den, paid his tab, and brought him back to the barracks.{{book ref|sa3|41}} After that incident, Teft laid off firemoss use for a while and made sure his behavior seemed more normal to the others. He helped out at recruitment and training events, bringing Lyn over to Kaladin after she drew in Stormlight for the first time{{book ref|sa3|46}} and leading a group of Bridge Four members in aerial exercises.{{book ref|sa3|55}}
